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The Committee to Restore Nymox Shareholder Value Sends Letter to Nymox Pharmaceutical Shareholders and Issues Proxy Materials for Upcoming Special Meeting
Believes Nymox Management and Board Must Be Held Accountable for Prolonged Underperformance and Egregious Governance Practices
Urges Shareholders to Vote on the WHITE Proxy Card to Install New Leadership and a New Board at Upcoming Special Meeting
CARSON CITY, Nev. and LONDON, Oct. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Committee to Restore Nymox Shareholder Value, Inc. (“CRNSV”), with a goal to recover shareholder value in Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation (NYMX-F) (the “Company” or “Nymox”), today announced that it has delivered a letter to Nymox shareholders and issued a proxy statement and accompanying WHITE proxy card (the “Special Meeting Proxy Materials”) in connection with the Special Meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on November 8, 2023, which is being called by CRNSV pursuant to the Order of the Supreme Court, Commercial Division, of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, dated October 3, 2023 and filed October 5, 2023.
The Special Meeting Proxy Materials can be viewed at and the full text of the letter to Nymox shareholders follows:
Dear Fellow Long-Suffering Shareholders:
The Current Board and Management Must Be Held Accountable For Overseeing Prolonged Underperformance and Egregious Governance Practices
Please Sign, Date and Return the WHITE Proxy Card Today
The Committee to Restore Nymox Shareholder Value, Inc. (“CRNSV”) was formed by former executives and directors of Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation (“Nymox” or the “Company”), who were improperly removed from their positions, with a goal to recover shareholder value in Nymox. Despite the Company’s repeated efforts to avoid accountability at all costs and its complete disregard for proper governance, our voices have finally been heard. In accordance with the Order of the Supreme Court, Commercial Division, of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (the “Bahamian Supreme Court”), dated October 3, 2023 and filed October 5, 2023 (the “Bahamian Supreme Court Order”), CRNSV is calling a Special Meeting of shareholders of Nymox, which will be held at Margaritaville Beach Resort, 2 Bay St., Nassau, Bahamas, at 9 a.m. (EST) on November 8, 2023 (the “Special Meeting”).
Nymox management and its Board of Directors (the “Board”) can no longer ignore our demands for transparency and accountability. The Bahamian Supreme Court has presented us with a critical opportunity to right the ship at Nymox, but it is ultimately up to us, the shareholders, to take action and seize this vital opportunity. That is why we are asking for your vote at the Special Meeting to remove Nymox incumbent directors, Paul Averback, James G. Robinson, David Morse and Patrick Doody (without conceding that Mr. Doody was properly elected as a director) (the “Incumbent Directors”) and replace them with our five highly-qualified director Nominees, Chris Riley, Randall Lanham, M. Richard Cutler, Bill Oldham, and Mario Patone (collectively, the “Nominees”). Our Nominees have the experience and skill sets required to drive improved performance at Nymox and importantly, are dedicated to serving shareholders’ best interests at all times. Pursuant to the Bahamian Supreme Court Order, we are also asking shareholders to approve, among other things, the termination of Paul Averback (“Averback”) from all positions held at the Company, including as Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, President, and Chief Science Officer.
Under the direction of the Board and management team, the Company’s stock price has plummeted from historical highs of over $9.00 in 2011 and $5.00 in 2017 to as low as $0.19 on June 30, 2023. At the same time, the Company has failed to file required filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to report Company operations and income, has issued false and materially misleading statements to shareholders in its press releases and SEC filings, and has failed to comply with NASDAQ continued listing requirements, causing Nymox to be delisted from NASDAQ and relegated to the OTC “pink” market. Despite this disastrous performance and complete disregard for properly running a public company, Averback has unilaterally operated the Company entirely for his own self-interest, receiving excessive executive compensation in the form of both annual cash payments and Nymox shares in violation of his prior written employment contract with Nymox. To further illustrate Averback’s self-dealings, in 2018, he sold for his own personal gain over $4,390,000 worth of Nymox common stock. Additionally, from just January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022, he paid himself over $1,400,000 in Company cash.
Averback and the other Incumbent Directors’ inability to properly oversee the Company and their apparent disregard for proper governance and compliance with the law is further evidenced by the unlawful termination of various officers and directors, including three of our Nominees, Messrs. Riley, Lanham and Cutler. We are happy to present these Nominees on our slate at the upcoming Special Meeting, as they are uniquely positioned to help turn the Company around given their prior experience at Nymox.
Like many of you, we have had and continue to have major concerns regarding various aspects of Nymox’s operations, financial structure, governance and strategy, including a long history of underperformance and mismanagement – problems that have existed for many years with no signs of improvement. Many shareholders, large and small, have felt the same pain and frustration – describing themselves as “long-suffering” and “underwater.” Unfortunately, the troubling status quo has not changed and is only worsening as evidenced by the continued share price devaluation and the Company’s delisting from NASDAQ on July 7th.
Alongside many of our fellow shareholders, we made every effort to engage Averback in discussions to address these concerns and opportunities to drive shareholder value, including, but not limited to, changes to senior management and the Board, setting appropriate management compensation, and improving Nymox’s financial condition and operations (including financing, spending, business strategy, compensation, debt, and dilution of stock). As part of that process, we had hoped to resolve these issues collaboratively with management, but Averback rejected that approach.
With all other efforts exhausted, we were left with no alternative but to seek relief from the Bahamian Supreme Court. During this process, we discovered Nymox had failed to properly maintain its corporate existence in the Bahamas, its jurisdiction of organization, and as such had been “struck off” as being a corporation legally viable in the Bahamas. As a prerequisite for getting the Company back on the right path, our first action was to file appropriate papers with the Bahamian Supreme Court to reinstate Nymox. After a hearing on September 28, 2023, the court granted Nymox’s reinstatement.
We had simultaneously filed a complaint and motion for an injunction seeking to compel Nymox to hold a shareholder meeting so that shareholders would have the ability to choose the individuals they believe are most qualified to lead the Company forward. The motion also sought to remedy several other self-dealing and malfeasant actions taken by the Incumbent Directors and, in particular, Averback. After presenting the Bahamian Supreme Court with evidence sufficient to demonstrate the grave situation the Company faces under Averback’s control and leadership, the court ruled in our favor and granted our motion, filing the Bahamian Supreme Court Order on October 5, 2023, requiring the calling of a shareholder meeting.
More specifically, the Bahamian Supreme Court Order demanded that the Company, by 5:00pm Bahamas time on October 9, 2023, give notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting or alternatively, a Special Meeting to be held on a date not more than 28 days from the date of such notice. The Bahamian Supreme Court Order further provided that if the Company failed to call a shareholder meeting, we would be permitted to do so and also restricts the Company from taking any significant actions with respect to the Company’s assets or from issuing any shares in the Company. Finally, the Bahamian Supreme Court Order restricts Averback and director James Robinson from voting a significant portion of their Nymox shares alleged to have been gained through self-dealing and/or breaches of fiduciary duties, at the Special Meeting and until trial or further order. Importantly, this process allows us, the disenfranchised minority, to control our own fate and remove those who have exploited and unlawfully taken Company resources for their own personal gain.
That brings us to today. While we are not surprised, we are again disappointed by the Company’s failure to heed the Bahamian Supreme Court Order to call a shareholder meeting, which is why we are now calling the Special Meeting ourselves. The Company’s decision to fight the Bahamian Supreme Court Order rather than call a shareholder meeting, underscores the Company’s continued disregard for standard corporate governance and further illustrates why change is urgently required at Nymox. Accordingly, we are seeking your support at the Special Meeting to install new leadership and a new Board at Nymox. Additional details regarding Averback’s concerning history at Nymox and the other Incumbent Directors’ failures as well as additional information regarding the proposals being presented at the Special Meeting can be found in our Proxy Statement, which is available for viewing at
We cannot underscore the importance of taking this critical opportunity to turn a new leaf for Nymox at the upcoming Special Meeting. We, the shareholders, now have the power to dictate change – let’s make our voices heard loud and clear that the status quo will no longer be tolerated.
There is no question that Nymox is at a crossroads in its corporate life and that we, as shareholders, must make a vital decision at the Special Meeting. Does the Company continue along the same path it has for the last 20 years, marred by consistent underperformance and egregious governance? One where Averback keeps you and other shareholders in the dark or worse yet, continues to mislead you, while personally profiteering off of your hard-earned investment? One full of more empty promises and dwindling value?
We think the answer is a clear no and that Nymox shareholders have suffered long enough. The only pathway we see to improving performance, operations, governance, transparency and accountability at Nymox is by installing new leadership and a new Board comprised of our highly-qualified Nominees, most of whom have experience directly with Nymox. Importantly, our Nominees are committed to protecting the interests of the Company and its shareholders at all times.
If we are successful in removing this underperforming and misaligned Board, our Nominees will take immediate steps to reinvigorate Nymox leadership and improve the Company’s revenues, operations, performance, governance and regulatory compliance. As a critical first step, the new Board will seek to terminate Averback from all positions of employment and immediately conduct an industry-wide search for a new Chief Executive Officer with strong pharmaceutical and bio-tech experience and a proven track record of accomplishments. We believe that it is critically important that the new Board select and appoint a chief executive with integrity who can begin to rebuild shareholder confidence in the Company and its management. During the interim period, we intend to appoint our Nominee Mr. Lanham as the interim CEO, who we believe is well suited to help lead the Company given his deep prior experience at Nymox. The new Board would also seek to identify and install other senior executives to join Nymox’s management team, including appointing our Nominee Mr. Riley as the Chief Financial Officer.
The new Board and management would need to work together to promptly establish a growing revenue stream, and then develop a strategy for differentiated, sustainable long-term growth. Due to the current financial state of the Company, we believe it will be necessary and time critical to raise some capital for the Company in order to get Nymox back on its feet and fund its drug applications. In addition, the new Board would act to install proper governance at Nymox, including by amending the outdated Bylaws to ensure compliance with the IBCA, ensuring transparency and improving shareholder engagement.
Our interests are directly aligned with yours. We look forward to sharing additional details regarding our turnaround plans for Nymox. One key component of our plan will be to continue to negotiate, enter into and facilitate the previously proposed deal with AscellaHealth LLC (“AscellaHealth”), which Averback rejected due to, we believe, self-serving reasons. AscellaHealth is a Global Specialty Pharmacy and Healthcare Services Organization, which through a wide range of available capabilities and services benefit all industry stakeholders; patients, life sciences manufacturers or intellectual property holders (Nymox) payers and providers.
As described in more detail in our Proxy Statement, we believe AscellaHealth is the right fit for the in-market pre-launch research and full commercials launch services. AscellaHealth previously offered to fund Nymox on a cashflow basis for 2 years with a $12 million non-recourse cash injection and buy treasury stock at $2.00 in an attempt to address the NASDAQ delisting challenge. The in-market launch of Nymox’s therapy would be funded by AscellaHealth, which would also cash flow the significant working capital required for manufacturing the Nymozarfex product on an ongoing basis.
We believe that with the right management team and Board in place, Nymox can implement measures to increase revenue and decrease expenses, eventually resulting in profitability and shareholder value creation. Accordingly, we urge you to support wholesale change at Nymox by voting in favor of new leadership and a new Board at the upcoming Special Meeting. Below are additional details on our highly-qualified Nominees.
- Christopher Riley is a forward-thinking, financially astute finance and operation’s executive with talent for re-engineering, building, and profitably growing businesses to achieve significant shareholder value in medical technology and consumer product markets for multinational & entrepreneurial organizations. Mr. Riley is skilled as a revenue generator, operational change agent, and entrepreneur; and has expertise taking demanding situations and producing a positive result. Mr. Riley is considered by his peers to be a game changer and is recognized as a fast-paced driver to produce results. He is consistently reviewed as the go to person in demanding situations. Mr. Riley became Chief Financial Officer of Nymox in January 2023 until his unjustified termination in July 2023. Mr. Riley has been Chief Operating Officer, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Mitochon systems, Inc. from 2006 to present, where he repositioned the startup business by transitioning from the SAAS or cloud-based physician communication service (PCS) solution to offshore service development and enabled targeted health care messaging to be delivered to physicians and patient audiences in the growing digital health care system. Mr. Riley was also CEO of Continuous Materials LLC from 2018 to 2020, a company at the forefront of waste-to-value creation.
- Randall Lanham, Esq. is an attorney and entrepreneur with extensive experience in start-ups, securities law and corporate finance. Mr. Lanham has vast experience in both domestic and international corporate matters. Mr. Lanham’s extensive business experience, coupled with his solid background in corporate and civil law, give him a unique effectiveness in coordinating corporate reorganizations as well as business operations. As an inventor and entrepreneur, Mr. Lanham holds two US Patents and has managed several of his own businesses while playing a pivotal role in start-up/turn-around operations, enhanced corporate image and customer satisfaction, increased revenues, and profit & loss responsibility. As an attorney, Mr. Lanham has negotiated contracts with major U.S. companies including Hasbro, Inc., Playskool, Inc., Philip Morris, USA, Inc., Major League Baseball (“MLB”), the National Football League (“NFL”) and USA Direct, Inc. and was a US Representative responsible for assisting the expansion of NASDAQ to Montreal in 1999.
- M. Richard Cutler, Esq. founded Cutler Law Group in 1996. Mr. Cutler has practiced in general corporate and securities law and international business transactions since his graduation from law school. Mr. Cutler is a graduate of Brigham Young University (B.A., magna cum laude, 1981) and Columbia University School of Law (J.D. 1984). Mr. Cutler was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in 1984 and the State Bar of California in 1990. After law school, Mr. Cutler joined Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue where he practiced in the corporate, securities and mergers and acquisitions departments. Mr. Cutler subsequently spent five years in the corporate and securities department in the Dallas office of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. After moving to the west coast, Mr. Cutler joined the Los Angeles office of Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes & Handler, a New York based law firm, where he continued his corporate securities practice. In 1989, Mr. Cutler founded Horwitz, Cutler & Beam in Anaheim, California, where he managed the corporate and securities practice for five years. In 1996, Mr. Cutler formed Cutler Law Group, P.C. in Newport Beach, California, a firm which specializes in general business, corporate and securities law, as well as international business transactions. Cutler Law Group moved to Augusta, Georgia in September 2002, where he continued to practice law and owned and operated the Club at Raes Creek, a first class swim, tennis and fitness club. From 2008 until 2010, Mr. Cutler was President and Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Power Corp., a company in Baytown, Texas specializing in green energy technologies. Cutler Law Group moved to Houston, Texas in 2009.
- Bill Oldham, MBA is a seasoned entrepreneur, investor and consultant who supports growth industries and high value clients across health, technology, and energy industries spanning both public and private sectors. Mr. Oldham supports numerous emerging companies, providing strategic business consulting and board level roles to drive market uptake and expansion, manage finance and generate favorable industry positioning, and is always seeking new partners across these designated markets and ready to continue building value. Mr. Oldham is currently Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of AscellaHealth, a premier, tech-enabled specialty pharmacy and healthcare services organization serving patients, payers, life sciences companies and providers with innovative, cutting-edge clinical programs and services to improve health outcomes and enhance the patient journey. Mr. Oldham is also Founder of Oldham Global, which focuses on investment company building solutions in FinTech, health IT, and health services. Under his leadership, AscellaHealth has experienced astonishing revenue growth both organically and through acquisition, with strong profitability during every year of operation. Mr. Oldham was named 2022 CFO of the Year by the Philadelphia Business Journal and a 2023 Titan 100 Honoree.
- Mario Patone brings over 30 years of expertise to his role as Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Corporate Development at AscellaHealth LLC. He joined AscellaHealth in that role in January 2022. From December 2020 through December 2021, Mr. Patone was a director for Cherry Bekeart LLP, an accounting firm. From May 2018 to December 2020, Mr. Patone was Chief Executive Officer of SolomonEdwards, a professional services firm, and was also Chief Financial Officer for Elwyn Pharmacy Group, a specialty pharmacy, from April 2016 through April 2018. Mr. Patone obtained a B.S. from Penn State University in 1987 and a B.S. from Goldey-Beacom College in 1992. Mr. Patone is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Do not miss this critical opportunity to have your voices heard! We encourage you to vote in favor of the proposals to reconstitute Nymox leadership and the Board on the WHITE proxy card today and return it in your postage-paid envelope provided. Should you have any questions or need assistance with voting, please contact Saratoga Proxy Consulting, LLC at (888) 368-0379 or by email at [email protected].
Thank you for your support,
Committee to Restore Nymox Shareholder Value
About The Committee to Restore Nymox Shareholder Value, Inc. (CRNSV)
CRNSV was formed by former executives of the NYMOX PHARMACEUTICAL CORP (“NYMX-F”) with a goal to restore shareholder value in NYMOX (the Company). With a commitment to overcome the steep decline and volatility of the stock price following the catastrophic NASDAQ Delisting Decision, CRNSV has issued rebuttal letters to all Company shareholders and continues to emphasize lack of Company leadership, inability to realize the potential for valuable and promising results through a relationship with a highly respected global healthcare and specialty pharmacy solutions company with expertise to help commercialize the Company’s Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) product, and Nymox’s lack of solution or plan for financial recovery of shareholder value. Headquartered in Carson City, Nevada with offices in London, CRNSV documents are available at
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Knowledge Graph Market worth $6,938.4 million by 2030 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™
DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — The Knowledge Graph Market is expected to reach USD 6,938.4 million by 2030 from USD 1,068.4 million in 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 36.6% from 2024–2030, according to new research report by MarketsandMarkets™.
The knowledge graphs ensure enterprise knowledge management through the rebuilding of complex data with interconnected nodes and relationships by providing a simpler way to navigate and retrieve information. It helps businesses build a fully comprehensive knowledge graph uniting disparate data sources, enables complex semantic search, context-aware recommendations, and data discovery. Knowledge graphs support better decision-making, foster innovation, and improve cooperation across teams by mapping relationships between organizational knowledge. They are particularly useful for large organizations, which depend on accessing and utilizing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data to be productive and competitive.
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Scope of the Report
Report Metrics |
Details |
Market size available for years |
2019–2030 |
Base year considered |
2024 |
Forecast period |
2024–2030 |
Forecast units |
Value (USD Million) |
Segments Covered |
(solutions (enterprise knowledge graph platform, graph database engine, knowledge management toolset) services ( professional services, managed services) by model type (Resource Description Framework (RDF) Triple Stores, Labeled Property Graph (LPG)) by applications (data governance and master data management, data analytics and business intelligence, knowledge and content management , virtual assistants, self-service data and digital asset discovery, product and configuration management, infrastructure and asset management, process optimization and resource management, risk management, compliance, regulatory reporting, market and customer intelligence, sales optimization, other applications) by vertical (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), retail and eCommerce, healthcare, life sciences, and pharmaceuticals telecom and technology, government, manufacturing and automotive, media & entertainment, energy, utilities and infrastructure, travel and hospitality, transportation and logistics, other vertical) |
Region covered |
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America |
Companies covered |
IBM Corporation (US), Oracle (US), Microsoft Corporation (US), AWS (US), Neo4j (US), Progress Software (US), TigerGraph (US), Stardog (US), Franz Inc (US), Ontotext (Bulgaria), Openlink Software (US), Graphwise (US), Altair (US), Bitnine ( South Korea) ArangoDB (US), Fluree (US), Memgraph (UK), GraphBase (Australia), Metaphacts (Germany), Relational AI (US), Wisecube (US), Smabbler (Poland), Onlim (Austria), Graphaware (UK), Diffbot (US), Eccenca (Germany), Conversight (US), , Semantic Web Company (Austria), ESRI (US) |
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By vertical, the BFSI segment to hold the largest market size during the forecast period.
The knowledge graphs serve as a strong foundation for relating customer data, transactions history, credit scores, and risk profiles within the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) sector, allowing the exact relationship mapping and insights. These are also employed in fraud detection through real-time identification of hidden patterns and for regulatory compliance with standards such as AML (Anti Money Laundering) and KYC (know Your Customer), where data can be traced and is transparent. In banking, knowledge graphs facilitate credit risk analysis which makes the process of loan approval more efficient, in insurance by linking policies, claims data, and fraud indicators thus optimizing claims processing. All these will, when combined with other data points, produce AI-powered applications: personalized advice-based solutions on finances and intelligent virtual assistants, which will create operational efficiency and improved customer experience in BFSI.
Virtual assistants, self-service data, and digital asset discovery segment to have the highest growth during the forecast period.
Knowledge graphs are essential for building virtual assistants, self-service data platforms, and even digital asset discovery, for they build interconnected data networks that help in enhancing the searchability and insights. Virtual assistants use knowledge graphs to provide context-sensitive responses that improve user interactions and provide tailored recommendations. Self-service data platforms use knowledge graphs to allow business users to access and analyze complex datasets without technical help, which helps them to make better decisions. They make the identification and classification of digital resources, such as documents or media, easier through linking metadata and content relationships for the discovery of digital assets. This capability enables effective resource management, innovation, and improvement in user experience in areas such as content creation, research, and enterprise workflows.
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Asia Pacific is expected to witness the highest market growth rate during the forecast period.
The knowledge graph landscape is rapidly evolving in Asia Pacific, with initiatives across various domains. In December 2022, the National Library Board (NLB), Singapore, launched a Linked Data-based Semantic Knowledge Graph to merge resources from libraries and archives using BIBFRAME and vocabularies for seamless updating and improved data quality. HydroKG in Australia merges hydrologic data from resources such as GeoFabric and HydroATLAS that allow for pinpoint queries on water bodies and river networks, enabling better environmental management. Japan uses knowledge graphs in manufacturing for supply chain optimization and South Korea uses it in telecommunications to enhance the customer experience through personalized AI.
Top Key Companies in Knowledge Graph Market
The major vendors covered in the Knowledge graph market are IBM Corporation (US), Oracle (US), Microsoft Corporation (US), AWS (US), Neo4j (US), Progress Software (US), TigerGraph (US), Stardog (US), Franz Inc (US), Ontotext (Bulgaria), Openlink Software (US), Graphwise (US), Altair (US), Bitnine ( South Korea) ArangoDB (US), Fluree (US), Memgraph UK), GraphBase (Australia), Metaphacts (Germany), Relational AI (US), Wisecube (US), Smabbler (Poland), Onlim (Austria), Graphaware (UK), Diffbot (US), Eccenca (Germany), Conversight (US), Semantic Web Company (Austria), ESRI (US), Datavid (UK), and SAP (Germany). These players have adopted various growth strategies, such as partnerships, agreements and collaborations, new product launches, enhancements, and acquisitions to expand their footprint in the Knowledge graph market.
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Novo Holdings invests in $200M Series A for Windward Bio launch to advance long-acting treatments for asthma and COPD
- High unmet medical need for therapies that can reduce the substantial treatment burden affecting millions of patients globally
- Combined in-licensing and financing for a novel long-acting clinical stage monoclonal antibody targeting TSLP ligand as well as building a discovery pipeline of long-acting bispecifics
- Naveed Siddiqi, Senior Partner, Venture Investments, Novo Holdings, to join the Windward Bio Board of Directors
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Novo Holdings, a leading life science investor, today announced that it has invested in a $200M Series A launch financing for Windward Bio. Headquartered in Switzerland, Windward Bio is a clinical-stage drug development company committed to improving outcomes for people living with advanced immunological diseases with an initial focus on severe respiratory conditions.
The oversubscribed Series A launch financing was co-led by OrbiMed, Novo Holdings and Blue Owl Healthcare Opportunities, and joined by SR One, Omega Funds, RTW Investments, Qiming Venture Partners, Quan Capital, and Pivotal bioVenture Partners.
Windward Bio’s lead candidate, WIN378, which has been in-licensed from Kelun-Biotech and Harbour BioMed, is a potential best-in-class, long-acting monoclonal antibody targeting the ligand of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) that has the potential to be dosed every six months.
The Company is preparing to begin a Phase 2 trial investigating WIN378 in severe asthma, with initial clinical readouts expected in 2026. Additional clinical trials are planned in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), aiming to address unmet needs in approximately 5 million advanced, uncontrolled patients in the US, Europe, and Japan.
In addition to WIN378, Windward Bio is building a discovery pipeline of long-acting bispecifics, harnessing validated targets and synergistic biology to achieve best-in-disease efficacy for immunology indications. The Series A financing supports the advancement of two undisclosed programs through Investigational New Drug (IND)–enabling studies.
“Our mission in starting Windward Bio is to discover and develop novel therapeutics for people living with serious immunological conditions,” said Luca Santarelli, MD, founder, CEO, and Chairman of Windward Bio. “Targeting the TSLP ligand is a highly validated approach in multiple immunological conditions, and WIN378 represents a significant advance in TSLP therapy by enhancing the benefits of this class with a dosing regimen of every six months, which can reduce the burden of treatment and improve outcomes for people living with severe asthma.”
Naveed Siddiqi, Senior Partner, Novo Holdings, said: “Addressing the unmet needs of patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma and COPD, particularly through innovative therapies that reduce the burden of care for both individuals and healthcare systems, represents a meaningful advancement in respiratory care. WIN378, with its best-in-class potential to provide effective treatment through a six-month dosing regimen, could transform how these challenging conditions are managed, offering both clinical and practical benefits. At Novo Holdings, we are committed to supporting innovative approaches that improve patient outcomes. We are excited to partner once again with the management team of Windward Bio, serial entrepreneurs with a proven track record of success.”
Led by CEO Luca Santarelli, Windward Bio’s founding team comprises seasoned biopharmaceutical executives with significant expertise in advancing compounds from target identification through to commercialisation. Collectively, they have contributed to over 15 product launches, executed two Nasdaq IPOs, and completed two strategic exits.
The Board of directors will initially include Luca Santarelli, MD (CEO); David Bonita, MD (OrbiMed); Naveed Siddiqi, MD (Novo Holdings); Tim Anderson (Blue Owl Healthcare Opportunities); Iqbal Mufti (SR One); and Otello Stampacchia, PhD (Omega Funds). Campbell Stewart, MD (Principal, Venture Investments, Novo Holdings), joins as Observer to the Board.
About WIN378
WIN378 is a novel, recombinant, fully human monoclonal antibody that potently binds to the TSLP ligand, which is a well-validated cytokine that plays a key role in the development and progression of a wide array of immunological diseases, including asthma and COPD. In both these diseases the inhibition of the TSLP ligand has demonstrated benefit in a myriad of inflammatory phenotypes. WIN378 has been engineered to achieve an extended half-life and effector silencing and is subcutaneously administered.
About Windward Bio AG
Windward Bio is a clinical-stage drug development company committed to improving outcomes for patients living with advanced immunological diseases with an initial focus on severe respiratory conditions. The company is led by a highly experienced team of biopharmaceutical executives with deep discovery, development, and commercialization expertise. The company is advancing a potential best-in-class TSLP monoclonal antibody into phase 2 development and creating novel, long-acting bispecific programs for immunological diseases.
About Novo Holdings A/S
Novo Holdings is a holding and investment company that is responsible for managing the assets and the wealth of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The purpose of Novo Holdings is to improve people’s health and the sustainability of society and the planet by generating attractive long-term returns on the assets of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Wholly owned by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Novo Holdings is the controlling shareholder of Novo Nordisk A/S and Novonesis A/S (Novozymes A/S) and manages an investment portfolio with a long-term return perspective. In addition to managing a broad portfolio of equities, bonds, real estate, infrastructure and private equity assets, Novo Holdings is a world-leading life sciences investor. Through its Seed, Venture, Growth, Asia, Planetary Health and Principal Investments teams, Novo Holdings invests in life science companies at all stages of development. As of year-end 2023, Novo Holdings had total assets of EUR 149 billion.
About the Novo Nordisk Foundation
Established in Denmark in 1924, the Novo Nordisk Foundation is an enterprise foundation with philanthropic objectives. The vision of the Foundation is to improve people’s health and the sustainability of society and the planet. The Foundation’s mission is to progress research and innovation in the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic and infectious diseases as well as to advance knowledge and solutions to support a green transformation of society.
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Fintech PR
StockGro Partners with GIIS Dubai to Transform Youth Financial Literacy in the UAE
DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — StockGro, India’s leading platform for experiential financial education, has joined hands with the Global Indian International School (GIIS) Dubai to equip students in grades 9 to 12 with essential financial skills. This partnership marks StockGro’s second major collaboration in the UAE, reinforcing its expansion into the GCC region.
As GIIS’s financial literacy partner, StockGro has integrated its innovative curriculum into the school’s academic framework. Through expert-led sessions conducted every alternate month, students gain insights into financial concepts, stock market basics, and strategic investment approaches, fostering critical thinking and real-world application.
A standout feature of the partnership is the stock market learning programs which consist of model portfolio exercises for grades 9 to 12. These stock market portfolio management activities allow students to apply their knowledge in a risk-free, real-world environment, building confidence and practical understanding of trading and investments.
Ajay Lakhotia, Founder & CEO of StockGro, said, “This collaboration bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application, preparing students to make informed financial decisions. It reflects StockGro’s dedication to empowering the next generation with tools to navigate real-world financial challenges.”
Ms. Rajani Manikonda , Supervisor of Senior Secondary School, GIIS Dubai, remarked, “Empowering students with financial literacy is essential in today’s interconnected world. This partnership with StockGro introduces our learners to the intricacies of financial management in an engaging, practical manner, ensuring they develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to thrive in the global economy.”
By partnering with one of Dubai’s top Indian international schools, StockGro strengthens its foundation for future collaborations in the UAE and GCC region, advancing its mission to revolutionize financial education on a global scale.
About StockGro
StockGro is a leading experiential social learning platform for trading and investments, trusted by more than 35 million users worldwide. It has successfully empowered students across 1100+ prestigious educational institutions with immersive financial learning experiences. Through this collaboration, StockGro continues its mission of fostering financial literacy and practical education for the next generation.
StockGro invites educational institutions across the GCC region to join hands in fostering a financially literate world. Write to us at [email protected] so we can empower the next generation with essential life skills together.
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