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Defix: NASDAQ Lists DEFX a New Decentralized Finance Index For Blockchain Markets



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EXANTE, a global brokerage brand, has streamlined the release of a novel decentralized finance index following popular projects in blockchain markets. The index, Defix, includes projects such as Amoveo, 0x, Augur as well as a handful of other well-known projects like MakerDAO.

Speculators and onlookers alike can view the Defix index which is now archived by NASDAQ under the ticker DEFX, an abbreviation for ‘Decentralized Finance Index.’ Zack Hess, the main developer for Amoveo, stated that “[he is] glad to see increased awareness being brought to decentralized finance projects” and would like to “give everyone access to modern financial tools.”

In 2012, Exante’s Bitcoin fund was released and became recognized as the most profitable hedge fund in history by Bloomberg. To this date, the fund has set record breaking returns, totalling an overall return of investment of 70,000% since its inception.

In addition to the Bitcoin fund, the firm also released the XAI fund to help investors get exposure to a basket of different alternative cryptocurrencies. The XAI fund included top performers such as Ethereum, Litecoin and Monero which accounted for market leading returns for early investors.

In the future, consumers will have the ability to invest in the index through a Defix fund, granting exposure to decentralized finance blockchain projects through a secure, financially accredited agency. Defix fund will be available at EXANTE platform.




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