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The power of cryptocurrency education



Reading Time: 5 minutes

If mass adoption of cryptocurrency is ever going to happen, we need widely-available cryptocurrency education to happen first.

People won’t use what they don’t understand. We saw this with initial resistance to the internet, social media, and smartphones. In the case of these three technologies, there wasn’t a lot of education needed to get people to eventually get on board: the tech just had to become more accessible, more useful, or cool enough that suddenly everybody wanted it.

Cryptocurrency is more complicated than a smartphone, however. Just as we educate children about fiat money in age-appropriate ways, through allowances and budgeting and savings accounts, we must also teach the mainstream audience about how to use and interact with cryptocurrency, to protect them from making foolish decisions.

A child who has not been educated about money might blow their allowance on candy rather than saving up for a new video. An adult who has not been educated about cryptocurrency, on the other hand, might share their private keys with a scammer or invest in a KaratBars-style scam.


Knowledge is power

When we teach people about cryptocurrency, we empower them to make smart decisions. A person who understands the importance of their private keys will keep them in a safe place and not share them with scammers. A person who has learned how to perform due diligence won’t invest in the first get-rich-quick scheme that lands in their inbox. A person who has learned how the blockchain works will understand whether or not blockchain implementation will improve their business’s operations.

We can’t just hand the world blockchain and cryptocurrency and expect them to know what to do with it. If mass adoption of cryptocurrency is ever going to happen, we need widely-available cryptocurrency education to happen first.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already a member of the crypto community and you have some understanding of the underlying technology and tokenomics. But if you’re relatively new yourself, you may have trouble properly explaining these concepts to the people in your life. It’s a frustrating experience, having just enough knowledge about something to be excited about it, but not enough to get other people to understand and be excited, too.


Invite people to learn alongside you

You are in the perfect position to serve as an ambassador for cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Your passion and excitement is probably contagious, and your curiosity is likely driving you to learn more. Harness that! Now is the time to ask your friends and family to join you on this exciting journey into the new frontier of cryptocurrency.

One good way to do this is to get people to join you for a class. You may be able to find an in-person workshop that’s open to the public. But another good option is to join an online class together — this offers a lot more flexibility, and also allows you to invite people to join you regardless of the geographical distance between you.

The great thing about learning alongside someone is that there’s a lot of opportunity for discussion. When you’re attending the same class, you’re on the same ground. You know what your friend has already learned, because you learned it alongside them. And because you have a little more experience than they do, you’ll be in a good position to help them, by clearing up something they didn’t quite understand in class, or pointing them to good resources for further learning.


Top tips for getting a good crypto education

  1. Whether you decide to sign up for an on-line course or educate yourself by reading articles and watching videos, make sure you’re learning from a reliable, up-to-date source.
  2. Learn how to do your own due diligence. Whether you’re considering a workshop, an exchange, or an investment opportunity, you should know how to perform the proper research.
  3. Be wary of anyone offering fast profits or guaranteed returns. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  4. Never transfer your crypto funds to a teaching platform without being 100% confident that they are trustworthy. Actually, never transfer your crypto funds to anyone unless you’re confident in who you’re dealing with.
  5. Stay on top of news and developments in the industry by getting your news from trusted, crypto-centric sources.
  6. Look for high-quality subreddits, Telegram chats, and forums where people actually discuss cryptocurrency rather than hyping the next get-rich-quick scheme.

Mass adoption doesn’t just happen. It happens because people find something great, and they want to share it with others. You’ve learned how exciting cryptocurrency can be. How will you share that with the people in your life?


Online platforms for a crypto education

You have several options available if you’d like to pursue an online education in cryptocurrency and the blockchain:

  • Cointelligence Academy – If you’re looking for an online class suitable for everyone from crypto enthusiasts to total beginners, we’d like to invite you to Cointelligence Academy, a course series designed to cover everything from the basics of bitcoin and blockchain to how to perform due diligence on crypto projects. These classes are presented by Cointelligence staff who have years of experience in cryptocurrency and a passion for crypto education. 
  • Introduction to Digital Currencies at UNIC – Get a taste of the University of Nicosia experience by enrolling in the world’s first free MOOC (massive open online course) on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. This introductory course is taught by the CEO of UNIC and a Bitcoin entrepreneur, so students are sure to get an expert education.
  • BlockGeeks – Considered by many to be the leading crypto academy, this platform offers unlimited access to a variety of courses at a monthly fee. They also offer a “Blockdegree” in ETH. Much of their education is geared towards Ethereum, so those looking to get a job on an ERC-based project may do well to look into this platform for their professional development.

There’s an option out there for every student. Consider what your goals are, how much time and money you have to invest in your education, and how you like to learn, and get started on getting a great crypto education today. Every step you take to learn more is another step towards mass adoption.


About the author: On Yavin is the founder and CEO at Cointelligence, a company that conducts data research and analysis for the crypto economy. On has extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur and angel investor, as well as more than 20 years of experience in the tech industry. On uses his deep, hands-on experience and knowledge of online marketing to create winning strategies for crypto, and blockchain companies. Having earned the reputation of “crypto expert”, On continues to contribute to this industry in ways that advance cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. On has a law degree (LLB) and is also a certified Advocate by the Israeli Bar Association.


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