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Euroclear continues to deliver profitable growth and invest in its long-term strategy




BRUSSELS, July 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ —  Financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2023


Overall financial performance rose sharply in the first half of 2023

  • Strong financial performance, with the underlying business performing well and benefitting from its diversified and resilient business model.
  • Substantial growth in operating income to reach EUR 3,107 million (vs EUR 998m in H1 2022), driven by continued business income growth and higher interest earnings, including a material rise linked to the application of international sanctions on Russia.

Euroclear more than doubles underlying net profit (excluding impact of Russian sanctions)

  • Underlying net profit more than doubled to reach EUR 561 million, reflecting a strong business performance and continued growth of Euroclear’s core business.
  • Euroclear achieved an underlying EBITDA margin of 58.3%, an increase of 11.3 percentage points compared to the 47.0% reported in the first half of 2022. The underlying operating margin was 25.1% reflecting investment and inflationary pressures on expenses.
  • Euroclear continues to invest in its strategy, its people and technology as demonstrated by the opening of a new Tech Hub in Krakow. The Tech Hub will create 400 new jobs across critical capabilities such as data, digitalisation and cyber, while also reinforcing other key functions.
  • Planned investments, alongside the impact of inflation, led to an increase of 19% in underlying operating expenses, totalling EUR 628 million in H1 2023.
  • On an underlying basis, earnings per share rose by 102.6% to EUR 178.3 per share, reflecting the increase in net profit.

Lieve Mostrey, Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear Group, commented: 

“Euroclear’s underlying performance through the first half of 2023 continues to demonstrate the robustness of its strong and diversified business model.

We remained focused on the execution of our strategy and service to our customers. We continue to invest to support our growth over the long term and despite general inflationary pressures, yet again, we generated a strong underlying performance, which further builds on the progress made over the past years.

The recent opening of our new Tech Hub in Krakow and the expansion of our service capabilities and teams groupwide further accelerates delivery of our purpose to innovate to bring safety, efficiency, and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth.

Financial performance reaches record levels

Euroclear Holding

(€ m)

H1 2022




H1 2022

H1 2023



H1 2023

vs 2022

Operating income









54 %

Business income









3 %

Interest, banking & other income









571 %

Operating expenses









-19 %

Operating profit before Impairment









105 %










Pre-tax profit








105 %










-114 %

Net profit









103 %







Business income operating margin

33.8 %

35.0 %

21.5 %

25.1 %

EBITDA margin (EBITDA/oper.income)

52.0 %


47.0 %

80.9 %

58.3 %


Euroclear’s underlying business income improved in H1 2023 to reach a record EUR 838 million, an increase of 3% year-on-year. 

The major policy rates continue to increase which has led to a large increase in interest earnings. On an underlying basis, H1 2023 interest, banking and other income progressed by 571% to EUR 538 million.

Euroclear continues to expect operating expenses to remain above its ‘through-the-cycle’ target of 4-6% p.a. throughout 2023, due to accelerating investment in both its strategy and the resilience of the business, coupled with one-off investments and continued high inflation impact on the cost base.

Once again, Euroclear’s business model has proven itself to be a hedge against market volatility. When equity markets are lower, the impact is mitigated by the group’s diversified and subscription-like business model, and benefits in a similar vein when bond markets are weaker, as approximately three quarters of the group’s business income is decoupled from financial market valuations. The operating entities which have a greater relative weighting to the bond markets, and saw business income grow, help mitigate any potential impact of lower equity valuations and transaction volumes.

Business performance remains robust
The key operating metrics demonstrate a strong business performance during the period. Following last year’s record levels in transaction volumes driven by highly volatile markets, the number of transactions in H1 2023 is 2.2% lower. With little change in equity market valuations, assets under custody and fund assets under custody have slightly increased.



H1 2023

YoY evolution

3-year CAGR

Assets under custody

€36.8 trillion

+3.8 %

+5.8 %

Number of transactions

152 million

-2.2 %


+2.5 %


€546 trillion

+4.4 %

+5.8 %

Fund assets under custody

€3 trillion

+4.8 %

+9.4 %

Collateral highway


€1.68 trillion

-12.7 %

+4.2 %


To further help investors make better informed decisions and manage their portfolios, Euroclear announced a partnership with BondCliQ Inc, a credit market focused Data as a Service (DaaS) company. Through this partnership, Euroclear will launch a new European fixed income settlement data solution, allowing market participants to gain valuable insights and intelligence, including unparalleled levels of access to refined fixed income settlement data through customised dashboards.

Consistent with its strategy centred on people and technology, Euroclear continues to grow its Krakow facility with the creation of a new Tech Hub and the addition of 400 new jobs in Poland. During Euroclear’s 10 years in Krakow, it has seen its office grow to approximately 800 staff who primarily work in operations, support, and control functions.

As MFEXbyEuroclear is entering the next phase of integration, Euroclear continues to enhance its proposition for funds services. This includes services in private markets assets, where Euroclear has recently announced the completion of the acquisition of Goji, a UK-based FinTech providing digital access and technology-enabled solutions to private markets.

Euroclear further improved its funds data services offering with the first release of a new funds market intelligence product. This cloud-based data analytics platform, designed to help Funds Management Companies improve their distribution strategy, has successfully onboarded its first pilot users.

Aligned to the group’s strategy of embracing innovation to the benefit of capital markets, Euroclear recently joined existing strategic international investors in the third fund of Illuminate Financial. Illuminate Financial, a financial services-focused venture firm, has closed this $235 million new fund to invest in early-stage businesses solving problems for financial institutions.

On 3 July 2023, LCH SA merged its core RepoClear Euro debt service with €GCPlus to provide alternative channels to access general collateral (GC) liquidity. €GCPlus, a general collateral tri-party basket repo clearing service, was initially launched in 2014 by LCH SA in collaboration with Euroclear and Banque de France. The new combined service aims to enable a unique point of access to the world’s largest Euro cleared liquidity pool with clearing members benefitting from a single membership, default fund and set of margins, and further netting opportunities.


ESG is key to Euroclear’s business strategy. Euroclear’s ESG mission is to support and enable a sustainable financial marketplace, while limiting our impact on the environment, providing an equitable and inclusive workplace, and conducting business in an ethical and responsible way.

Euroclear continues to mature its approach to sustainability, notably with the publication of an expanded Annual Sustainability Report in May 2023 reporting, for the first time, according to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Annual Sustainability Report can be found here:

In addition, Euroclear published a comprehensive transversal ESG Policy setting out the minimum requirements for the Group in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance. This policy can be found here:

Implications of Russian sanctions
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine resulted in market-wide application of international sanctions, which have had a material impact on Euroclear. Since considerable uncertainties persist, the Board considers it necessary to separate the estimated sanction-related earnings from the underlying financial results when assessing the company’s performance and resources.

Well-established processes are in place which allow the group to implement the sanctions, while maintaining the normal course of business. However, one consequence of the sanctions is that blocked coupon payments and redemptions owed to sanctioned entities results in an accumulation of cash on Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet. At the end of June 2023, Euroclear Bank’s balance sheet had increased by EUR 47 billion year-on-year to a total of EUR 150 billion.

As per Euroclear’s standard process, which is the same for any client’s long cash balances, the cash balances arising from the sanctions are invested to minimise credit risk. Managing such credit risk is a requirement under Capital Requirements Regulation. The interest paid on reinvestment of cash balances is net interest income earned by Euroclear. Over H1 2023, interest arising on cash balances from Russia-sanctioned assets was EUR 1,743 million.

Such interest earnings are driven by two factors: (i) the prevailing interest rates and (ii) the amount of cash balances that Euroclear is required to invest. As such, future earnings will be influenced by the evolving interest rate environment and the size of cash balances as the sanctions evolve.  

At present, the Board expects the growth rate of interest income to slow in the second half of 2023 as blocked payments and redemptions accumulate less rapidly and as economists’ consensus forecasts anticipate a more stable interest rate environment.

In parallel, the European Commission is contemplating various options to use the profits generated by sanctioned amounts held by financial institutions, including Euroclear, for the financing of Ukraine’s reconstruction.

Euroclear is focused on minimising potential legal, technical, and operational risks that may arise for itself and its clients from the implementation of any proposals from the European Commission. The company continues to act in a transparent manner with all authorities involved. The Board will continue to act cautiously, retaining profits related to the Russian sanctions until the situation becomes clearer.


Currently, Euroclear is faced with a high level of complexity in managing both the wide-ranging package of sanctions and a set of complex economic countermeasures, which Russia has implemented since it does not recognise the international sanctions. Euroclear allocates considerable time and resources to manage the market issues and implications of these countermeasures while maintaining regular dialogue with clients and other stakeholders.

Various parties contest the consequences of the application of sanctions and countermeasures, with legal proceedings ongoing in both the European Union and Russia. While recognising the scale of the sanctions and the speed of implementation, Euroclear’s assessment is these legal proceedings are not considered a material risk at present and, so far, they have not incurred any material financial impact. 

Overall, Euroclear incurred additional direct costs from the management of Russian sanctions of €21 million in the first half of 2023, with considerable senior management and Board focus on the topic. Additionally, the international sanctions and Russian countermeasures have resulted in a loss of activities from sanctioned clients and Russian securities, which negatively impacted business income by €11 million.

Rating agencies reconfirm Euroclear group’s strong capital position  
Euroclear maintains a strong capital position and a low-risk profile, which allows the group to finance further growth plans. Both S&P and Fitch Ratings reconfirmed the AA rating of Euroclear Bank in June 2023. Fitch also assigned the issuing entity of the group, Euroclear Investments SA (EINV), a Viability Rating at ‘aa-‘.

The group capital ratios remain solid, despite the sizable increase of its balance sheet due to the Russian sanctions. Fitch notes that “Euroclear’s investment guidelines for the bank’s portfolio are particularly conservative, limiting holdings to highly liquid securities with strong ratings. Euroclear Bank applies a similarly low-risk policy when re-investing cash proceedings from frozen Russian assets.”

On 20 July 2023, Euroclear will pay its previously announced dividend relating to the 2022 underlying business results of EUR 115.5 per share (for a total of EUR 363.5 million), representing a 31% increase compared to the dividend on 2021 results.


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"Business as usual" Cash balances

Euroclear Bank and Euroclear Investments are the two group issuing entities. The summary income statements and financial positions at Q2 2023 for both entities are shown below.


Euroclear Bank Income Statement (BE GAAP)


Figures in Million of EUR

Q2 2023

Q2 2022


Net interest income




Net fee and commission income





Other income




Total operating income





Administrative expenses




Operating profit before impairment and taxation




Result for the period





Euroclear Bank Statement of Financial Position

Shareholders’ equity




Debt securities issued and funds borrowed (incl. subordinated debt)





Total assets




Euroclear Investments Income Statement (BE GAAP)






Net gains/(losses) on financial assets & liabilities




Other income




Total operating income





Administrative expenses




Operating profit before impairment and taxation





Result for the period




Euroclear Investments Statement of Financial Position

Shareholders’ equity




Debt securities issued and funds borrowed





Total assets





Euroclear Investments has been relocated from Luxembourg to Belgium on 31 December 2022 at midnight. The financial statements are now prepared under Belgian GAAP, and the 2022 have been restated accordingly.

Note to editors


Euroclear group is the financial industry’s trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency, and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation, and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden, Euroclear UK & International and MFEXbyEuroclear.

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Xinhua Silk Road: China’s service trade fair concludes with fruitful outcomes




BEIJING, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) concluded in Beijing on Monday, achieving fruitful results in various fields and injecting more vitality into global economic growth.

By the noon of Monday, the five-day service trade fair had made nearly 1,000 achievements and attracted about 242,000 visitors.

About 111 companies and institutions, including Fortune Global 500 companies and industry leaders, released a total of 219 achievements in the fields of digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare, etc., a surge of 80 compared with the previous session.

In 2023, global digital service trade reached 4.25 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023, an increase of 9 percent year on year, becoming a prominent highlight in the development of services trade.

The 2024 CIFTIS focused on new trends in the development of trade in services, with AI and innovation-driven development being the key words.

Wu Tian, vice president of Baidu, noted that in the future, more service industries and application scenarios will rely on AI technologies to achieve innovative development.

At present, new technologies and applications in the field of services trade are quickening the pace to integrate with social life and production, which is conductive to constantly open up new space for foreign trade development, said Pang Chaoran, associate researcher of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce (MOC).

It is learned that over 80 countries and international organizations held exhibitions and conferences at the fair, with 13 of them setting up independent offline exhibitions for the first time, showcasing their local traditional culture.

From a global perspective, cultural trade has great potential for development, said Pan, adding that the CIFTIS has built a platform and bridge for the high-quality development of cultural trade and activated a new engine for the development of services trade.

In addition, this year’s CIFTIS helps enterprises build a big circle of friends for win-win cooperation.


Participating in the fair for the fifth time this year, Schneider Electric reached a new cooperation with Chinese steelmaker Jingye Group at the fair.

Xu Shaofeng, senior vice president of Schneider Electric, said that the company established a services business center in China and will sign service cooperation agreements with more Chinese partners.

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Telix to Acquire RLS to Expand North American Manufacturing and Distribution Platform




MELBOURNE, Australia, INDIANAPOLIS and LAKE MARY, Fla., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company) and RLS (USA) Inc. (RLS, RLS Radiopharmacies), America’s only Joint Commission-accredited radiopharmacy network distributing PET[1], SPECT[2] and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, today announced an agreement by the Company to acquire RLS from its parent company, RLS Group Ltd. The acquisition significantly expands Telix’s North American manufacturing footprint and establishes the basis of a next generation radiometal production network to benefit Telix and select strategic commercial partners. 

Strategic Rationale                                                      

The acquisition of RLS is aligned to Telix’s investment strategy around vertically integrated supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution, further enabling the delivery of future clinical and commercial radiopharmaceutical products. The Company views this as a necessary measure to ensure product integrity and delivery, and to strengthen and complement existing commercial partnerships.

Telix will leverage RLS’ 31 licensed radiopharmacies located in major metropolitan areas across the U.S. to build a radiometal production and distribution network for key therapeutic and diagnostic isotopes alongside last-mile delivery of finished unit doses in relevant markets. The RLS footprint includes over 100,000 square ft of appropriately licensed expansion space that can be utilised to meet rapidly growing production demand. The acquisition also provides a clear pathway to extensively deploy Telix’s ARTMS QUANTM Irradiation System™ (QIS™) cyclotron technology, enabling standardised, high-efficiency and cost-effective production of radiometals.

By augmenting its existing distribution network, Telix aims to provide additional supply chain backup and improve capacity to meet future demand, while broadening access for patients across the entire U.S. market, including under-served populations. The acquisition aligns Telix’s pharmaceutical development workforce with RLS’ highly skilled and multi-disciplinary radiopharmaceutical manufacturing, supply chain and operational expertise.

RLS will continue to service its existing customers and operate as an independent business unit under Telix Manufacturing Solutions (TMS), which includes other key Telix brands with multi-vendor and third-party relationships such as ARTMS, IsoTherapeutics and Optimal Tracers. As part of the TMS business vertical, RLS will become a key node in Telix’s network of U.S. manufacturing and distribution partnerships and is geographically complementary to TMS’ state-of-the-art GMP[3] production facility located in Belgium.

RLS’ revenue for FY23[4] was US$158 million, and the transaction is expected to be cost-neutral to Telix from an operating cash flow perspective. RLS is currently a distributor of Illuccix® and, as such, the acquisition is expected to be accretive to Telix, following completion.

Dr. Christian Behrenbruch, Telix Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, said the acquisition is part of the Company’s ongoing investment focus around vertical integration and building integrated supply chains.

“Our vision is to build a radiometal production and distribution network fit for the future. By combining the ARTMS platform and the RLS network, we can scale up the production of key isotopes and build a stable and consistent supply of PET and SPECT diagnostic tracers, along with therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals across the U.S. for the benefit of Telix, our partners and the patients we serve. Telix is a trusted brand, recognised for our technical expertise, product quality, scheduling flexibility and delivery reliability. As we grow and commercialise new products, this investment ensures we can continue to deliver to this standard, alongside our key trusted distribution partners.”

Mr. Stephen Belcher, Chief Executive Officer, RLS, added, “We look forward to becoming part of the Telix Group ecosystem. The RLS management team has emphasised quality, reliability and flexibility, and by leveraging Telix’s support, we will be able to expand our capabilities further and, together, build the radiopharmaceutical company of the future. We see this as a very positive step for the company, our people and our customer base.”   


Deal Terms and Conditions

The purchase price comprises upfront cash consideration of US$230 million before adjustments for cash and cash equivalents (net of restricted cash); debt and debt equivalents; transaction expenses; and working capital, and deferred cash consideration up to a maximum of US$20 million, contingent on achievement of certain milestones related to demonstration of accretive financial and operational performance during the four-quarters following closing. The acquisition and related transaction costs are expected to be funded from existing cash reserves.

Closing of the transaction is subject to customary conditions, including regulatory approvals, RLS shareholder approval, licence transfers and certain third-party consents. The acquisition is expected to close early in the first quarter of 2025.  

About RLS Radiopharmacies

RLS is America’s only Joint Commission-accredited radiopharmacy network, with 31 radiopharmacies covering more than 85% of the population. Every RLS radiopharmacy houses cutting-edge clean rooms and is fully equipped and aligned to USP <797>, USP <825> and ISO 14644-1 compliance standards. Every RLS radiopharmacy is led by experienced nuclear pharmacists, who, along with nuclear technicians, in-house couriers and a robust delivery fleet, ensure every SPECT, PET and therapeutic product the company offers is meticulously prepared, dispensed and distributed to the company’s more than 1,500 customers without fail. For more information, please visit

About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited

Telix is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of therapeutic and diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals and associated medical devices. Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with international operations in the United States, Europe (Belgium and Switzerland), and Japan. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical and commercial stage products that aims to address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and rare diseases. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX).

Telix’s lead imaging product, gallium-68 (68Ga) gozetotide injection (also known as 68Ga PSMA-11 and marketed under the brand name Illuccix®), has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[5], by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) [6], and by Health Canada[7]. No other Telix product has received a marketing authorisation in any jurisdiction.

Visit for further information about Telix, including details of the latest share price, announcements made to the ASX, investor and analyst presentations, news releases, event details and other publications that may be of interest. You can also follow Telix on X and LinkedIn.

Telix Investor Relations


Ms. Kyahn Williamson
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
SVP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
Email: [email protected]

Telix Media Relations (U.S.)

Eliza Schleifstein
ES Media Relations
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917-763-8106

RLS Investor Relations

Mark Elliott
RLS (USA) Inc.
VP Finance and Investor Relations
Email: [email protected]  

Legal Notices

You should read this announcement together with our risk factors, as disclosed in our most recently filed reports with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or on our website.

The information contained in this announcement is not intended to be an offer for subscription, invitation or recommendation with respect to securities of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (Telix) in any jurisdiction, including the United States. The information and opinions contained in this announcement are subject to change without notification.  To the maximum extent permitted by law, Telix disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any information or opinions contained in this announcement, including any forward-looking statements (as referred to below), whether as a result of new information, future developments, a change in expectations or assumptions, or otherwise. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained or opinions expressed in the course of this announcement.

This announcement may contain forward-looking statements that relate to anticipated future events, financial performance, plans, strategies or business developments. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the use of words such as “may”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “outlook”, “forecast” and “guidance”, or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on Telix’s good-faith assumptions as to the financial, market, regulatory and other risks and considerations that exist and affect Telix’s business and operations in the future and there can be no assurance that any of the assumptions will prove to be correct. In the context of Telix’s business, forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about: the initiation, timing, progress and results of Telix’s preclinical and clinical trials, and Telix’s research and development programs; Telix’s ability to advance product candidates into, enrol and successfully complete, clinical studies, including multi-national clinical trials; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals for Telix’s product candidates, manufacturing activities and product marketing activities; Telix’s sales, marketing and distribution and manufacturing capabilities and strategies; the commercialisation of Telix’s product candidates, if or when they have been approved; Telix’s ability to obtain an adequate supply of raw materials at reasonable costs for its products and product candidates; estimates of Telix’s expenses, future revenues and capital requirements; Telix’s financial performance; developments relating to Telix’s competitors and industry; and the pricing and reimbursement of Telix’s product candidates, if and after they have been approved. Telix’s actual results, performance or achievements may be materially different from those which may be expressed or implied by such statements, and the differences may be adverse. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

©2024 Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited. The Telix Pharmaceuticals®, Illuccix®, ARTMS® and QIS™ names and logos are trademarks of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited and its affiliates – all rights reserved.


[1] Positron emission tomography.

[2] Single-photon emission computed tomography. 

[3] Good Manufacturing Practice.

[4] Financial year ended 31 December 2023.

[5] Telix ASX disclosure 20 December 2021.

[6] Telix ASX disclosure 2 November 2021.

[7] Telix ASX disclosure 14 October 2022.


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Representatives from 57 countries, regions and 6 international organizations, are gathering in Suzhou.



What important topics are they discussing about? Let’s find out!

BEIJING, Sept. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — I’m Xiao Lin from National Immigration Administration. On September 9th, the first Sub-Forum on Migration Management Cooperation was successfully held. Representatives from all parties expressed their insights and appeals around the development and innovation of migration governance.

It was truly a content-rich event!

Why does the international community focus on the topic of “Migration Governance” so much?

At present, changes unseen in a century is unfolding at a faster pace. The situation in the wider world remains complex and fluid. However, peace, development, cooperation and win-win results are still an unstoppable historical trend. Migration governance is critical to economic development of individual countries, global security governance and international cultural and people-to-people exchanges. It has increasingly become a key issue in global governance.

Here are the key points:
At the forum, NIA made three commitments: implementing more open policies for the cross-border flow of people, more effective actions in the governance of transnational crimes and more extensive global cooperation in migration governance, injecting new impetus to opening up and development; At the same time, three initiatives have been put forward, [Original scene of the initiative] contributing China’s wisdom and solutions to global migration governance and further showcasing its image as an open, confident, secure, and thriving major power.

Representatives also made keynote speeches, sharing their migration governance policies, measures and experience, and providing their perspectives on regional and international migration governance.

Pooling wisdom for win-win results.

In a changing era, National Immigration Administration of China stands ready to work with all parties to promote global migration governance to a higher level and contribute more wisdom to world peace, development, prosperity and stability!

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