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Buckley Capital Management Sends Letter to International Workplace Group plc Board and Outlines Recommended Actions to Unlock Shareholder Value




MIAMI, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Buckley Capital Management, LLC, together with its affiliates (collectively, “we” or “Buckley”), a top 15 shareholder of International Workplace Group plc (LSE: IWG) (“IWG” or the “Company”), today issued an open letter to IWG’s Board of Directors and management team regarding opportunities to maximize value for all shareholders.

A full copy of the letter is below:

Dear Members of the Board of Directors and Management:

Buckley Capital Management, LLC, together with its affiliates (collectively, “we” or “Buckley”), is a long-term shareholder of International Workplace plc (“IWG” or the “Company”).

As you know, Buckley Capital Management is a Miami-based investment firm specializing primarily in North American small and mid-cap value stocks. Our focus is on identifying and investing in high-quality companies with strong growth potential trading at an attractive value multiple. This typically means businesses that are trading below 10x earnings that are growing earnings more than 10% per year. The average PE multiple in our portfolio today is 9x with a 17% average earnings growth rate. We collaborate closely with boards and management teams to unlock value and drive sustainable long-term growth, benefiting all shareholders. We are trusted to manage capital on behalf of family offices, foundations, ultra-high net worth and high net worth individuals. In addition, with 95%+ of our Partners’ investable net worth committed to our funds, we ensure a strong alignment of interests with our investors and the companies in which we invest.

Over the past few months, we have greatly appreciated your constructive engagement as we’ve shared our detailed perspectives and concerns regarding the Company, along with our recommendations for enhancing long-term value. We have been particularly impressed by the recent changes that have been implemented regarding investor relations and management guidance. We believe that IWG is misperceived by the investment community as lacking sufficient credibility, which is a primary reason for the mispricing of the Company’s shares. However, the Company’s new CFO and head of investor relations have taken the thoughtful approach of under promising and over delivering. Accordingly, the Company has started to beat consensus estimates since they joined, after a long history of past disappointments. We view the Company’s mid-term targets as highly conservative and believe that as the market begins to recognize this in the coming year the valuation will adjust to reflect its attractive growth and business transformation. We have enjoyed our dialogues with Charlie Steel and Richard Manning. In our most recent meeting on August 29th, we discussed in detail why we believe the Company should embark on a share buyback program when the company reaches 1x net debt/EBITDA and commit to the market that the Company will pursue a US listing in short order. We outline these recommendations further in this letter.

We have chosen to issue this letter publicly to encourage an open and transparent discussion around our recommendations. By engaging all shareholders in this important dialogue, we can ensure that all parties have the opportunity to consider our perspectives and contribute to the conversation on enhancing long-term value. Based on our prior conversations with other shareholders, we believe the ideas outlined in this letter would be strongly supported by your investor base and we encourage you to speak with them.

IWG is an Exceptional Company with Solid Fundamentals, Positioned to Lead in the New Era of Work

We were initially compelled to invest in IWG in February 2023 due to our confidence in the business’ ability to grow FCF/share at over 25% per year and our belief that with the success of the managed and franchised model that the Company would eventually trade at 9-11x EBITDA. We thought there was 300-600% upside in IWG’s shares over a multi-year time frame as management executes a strategy we believe has a high probability of succeeding.

Over the last 35 years, IWG has executed to become the undisputed leader in the coworking office market. The Company is now best positioned to benefit from the secular trend towards flexible leases and is in the process of transforming its business to a managed and franchised model with significantly lower capital requirements, higher cash conversion and greater stability. The Company has increased its group revenue from approximately £2.65 billion in 2019 to an expected £3.44 billion in 2024.1 This growth has come despite facing two major headwinds in the past decade that are now behind: (1) COVID, and (2) a well-funded competitor (WeWork) who incinerated enormous amounts of capital attempting to grow, thereby suppressing industry returns. More importantly, IWG’s growth profile is now set to materially inflect while its net growth capital expenditure should significantly decline, from £142.5 million in 2021 to £40 million in 2024. Based on the Company’s market dominance, accelerating growth, lower capital requirements, higher FCF conversion, and greater stability, we believe that IWG’s shares should be trading at a higher valuation multiple today than in the past.


Undervalued and Misunderstood, Despite its Outstanding Position

Despite these factors, and the fact that the Company’s adjusted EBITDA is on track to reach a record high this year, the Company’s share price continues to languish and is currently down approximately 50% over the last five years. It is clear to us that there exists a significant dislocation between the current share price and the intrinsic value of the Company, despite management’s efforts to improve communications and financial disclosures to the investor community. This growth in EBITDA, combined with a decline in its share price, has caused the Company’s valuation to compress from 7.2x EBITDA in 2019 to 5.1x consensus 2024E EV/EBITDA today.2 Now trading at less than 10x 2025 FCF, with FCF/share expected to grow at a 25%+ rate, we believe the shares are dramatically undervalued given the quality and predictability of the Company’s future growth, prospects for margin expansion, and stronger free cash flow generation.

We agree with the Company’s assessment that IWG’s capital-light platform model aligns more closely with comparable platform businesses, rather than traditional brick-and-mortar serviced office companies it tends to be likened to. Companies operating in this way typically command significantly higher valuation multiples. While there are no exact comparables for IWG, the comp table in the Appendix to this letter shows the disconnect between IWG’s valuation and the valuation of Managed and Franchised and Worka Segment Comparables. Our analysis indicates a notable share price discrepancy relative to these comparables, suggesting a Fair Value closer to GBP 3.92, reflecting a significant gap between the Company’s robust fundamentals and its current market valuation.

We are concerned that efforts by IWG’s management to articulate the investment merits of the Company have fallen on deaf ears, and further action needs to be taken to unlock the Company’s intrinsic value. Therefore, we believe the Board should initiate a major share buyback as soon as the Company reaches its 1x net debt/EBITDA target. Simultaneously, we believe that the Board should expedite the re-listing of IWG’s shares onto a US stock exchange.

We urge the Board to Execute a Share Buyback Program

The transition to a capital-light model has produced a significant boost to IWG’s free cash flow conversion. We hope that 1x net debt/EBITDA is not the intended capital allocation policy long term. We believe a higher net debt to EBITDA – between 1.5-2.0x – makes sense longer term allowing IWG to be more aggressive with buybacks. Our analysis demonstrates that IWG could return over £2bn to shareholders through free cash flow and capital structure optimization between now and 2028, which would total more than the market cap today. While we understand it makes sense to be at 1x net debt/EBITDA in the short term, we would like to see the longer-term leverage levels higher given the shift to a higher quality revenue stream in the managed and franchised business.

As the Company’s capital-light model begins to generate significant fee income in the next 12-24 months, the valuation multiple of IWG should rise significantly. We are very encouraged by the strength of the early cohorts in the Managed and Franchised segment and believe that will be a significant driver of value going forward, with a positive inflection in 2025. Therefore, it is imperative for the Company to start buying back shares as soon as the 1x net debt/EBITDA target is reached to take advantage of the significantly discounted prices that exist today. Our analysis shows that IWG shares can generate a 30% IRR or better from today’s prices, which can be improved by an accelerated share repurchase.

IWG Belongs on a US Exchange

We believe that moving IWG’s listing to the US presents a strategic opportunity to enhance shareholder value and we support the Company’s efforts to explore this option.

The Company already has a meaningful presence in the US, despite trading in the UK: 50% of its revenues and more than 50% of profits are generated in North America. It is for this reason that the Company has already taken steps to adopt the American GAAP accounting standard and switch its reporting currency to USD.


In addition to this, trading on the London Stock Exchange is not rewarding IWG with the valuation multiple we believe it deserves. In contrast, we believe that a US listing would expose IWG to a new and more liquid market with investors who have greater appreciation of its leverage levels and business model. Additional positive share price impact can be expected from more passive buying from US indices than passive selling from UK indices. The more efficient capital market in the US can help the Company realize intrinsic value in a timelier manner, which the UK market has failed to do over the last five years.

As an example, CRH plc, a leading provider of building materials based in Ireland, is a successful case of a European company benefiting from a US listing. Since moving its primary listing to the US on September 25th, 2023, CRH’s stock price has increased 51.4%. We believe IWG choosing to re-list in the US would allow the Company to garner a higher multiple and potentially use its stock as a currency for acquisitions.

The management’s decision to switch its reporting currency and adopt the American GAAP accounting standard is a step in the right direction. However, we urge management to accelerate its efforts and commit to a US listing immediately. Expediting these steps will allow IWG to fully capitalize on its North American business, enhance public-market multiples, and unlock significant shareholder value.

Sale to Private Investors

If a US listing and share buybacks do not cause a significant rerating in IWG’s shares, we are convinced that management should explore a sale of the business in the private markets to realize the Company’s intrinsic value.

There has been rumored interest in 2018 from financial buyers at prices much higher than current levels, between 9-10x EBITDA. Firms such as Terra Firma, TDR Capital, Starwood, and Lone Star were rumored to have expressed interest back in 2018. Today, IWG is in much better shape, with a higher quality revenue mix, greater profitability, significantly improved competitive position, and clearer growth prospects. Yet it is trading at a significantly lower multiple. Given the significant interest in the past, if the public market fails to recognize IWG’s value, we strongly recommend that management consider selling the Company.

There are a litany of public-company comparables that point to significant upside in IWG. The average of public-company comparables for the Worka and Managed & Franchised segment trades at an average NTM EBITDA multiple of 12.5x and 15.6x respectively. IWG’s Owned & Operated segment has historically traded at ~7.5x over the past 20 years. These valuations would lead to significantly more than 100% upside for IWG shareholders from today’s levels.


While we have been encouraged by our discussions with the Company thus far, the Board and management must take more immediate action to fully unlock the true value of the Company. As such, we strongly encourage the Board to embark on a meaningful share buyback program and to immediately appoint advisors to proceed with a relisting in the US.

The time for action is now—these steps are crucial to ensuring that the Company realizes its full potential and delivers the value that shareholders deserve.


We aim to work collaboratively and constructively with the Board and management to maximize shareholder value and look forward to continuing a positive dialogue.


Zack Buckley
Buckley Capital Partners LP


About Buckley Capital:
Miami-based investment firm specializing primarily in North American small and mid-cap value stocks.



Below is a list of Public Comps for IWG:


Worka Segment Comparables:


Public Company

Market Cap

Avg. 3 Yr

Forward 3 Yr


Holdings Inc.


31.30 %

16.09 %



Airbnb, Inc.

88, 598

18.47 %

51.38 %


Expedia Group,


12.8 %

28.44 %



Group Average

20.86 %

31.97 %



Managed/Franchised Segment Comparables:

Public Company

Market Cap ($M)

Avg. 3 Yr

Forward 3 Yr





64.87 %

10.40 %

15.1 x

Hilton Worldwide
Holdings Inc.


55.40 %

18.38 %



Hotels Group


27.47 %

9.51 %


Hyatt Hotels


10.90 %

25.18 %



Group Average

39.66 %

15.87 %



Private Market Bid for IWG:

Private Equity Bidders

Post Valuation



Date Canceled

Starwood Capital Group, Terra
Firma, TDR Capital and Prime


9.2 x

August 2018

Onex and Brookfield Asset


7.8 x

February 2018



Sum of the Parts Valuation:

Segment Enterprise






12.0 x

Managed &




15.0 x

Owned &



7.5 x


IWG Enterprise Value


Net Debt



IWG Equity Value




Fair Value(GBP)


Implied Multiple

9.3 x

*Refers to Contribution margin as opposed to EBITDA



For Investors:

Buckley Capital Partners LP
Zack Buckley
[email protected]

For Media:

Greenbrook Advisory
Rob White / Teresa Berezowski
[email protected]


1 NTD –Bloomberg data
2 NTD – Bloomberg data
3 – Refers to Contribution Margin as opposed to EBITDA

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FP Markets Wins Treble at The Global Forex Awards




SYDNEY, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Following recent success at the Finance Magnates Pacific Summit in Australia earlier this month, multi-asset Forex and CFD broker, FP Markets, was presented with three coveted Global Forex Awards at a ceremony held at the La Caleta in Limassol on Thursday 12 September. FP Markets was voted ‘Best Value Broker – Global’ for the sixth time in a row, ‘Best Broker – Europe‘ for the third time running, and ‘Best Partners Programme – Asia‘. 

According to London-based organisers Holiston Media, the Global Forex Awards ‘celebrate the brokers at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, low-cost trading, comprehensive market research tools, advanced educational programmes and world-class customer service’. The winners of the ‘world’s biggest Forex Retail Awards’ were determined through a public voting process, making the trophies all the more so important for retail Forex brands looking to cement their market position and reputation.

When asked about the company’s latest achievement, FP Markets CEO Craig Allison expressed his gratitude and commented, “Winning three Global Forex Awards is another huge achievement for the FP Markets team and one that sets us apart from our competition. Being recognised as a broker which offers innovative and cost-effective trading solutions to traders and partners alike, while maintaining the highest regulatory standards, is testament to our hard work and ethos as a company. Such awards exemplify our credibility when it comes to potential new clients and also demonstrate why our existing traders and partners choose to invest with us.”

Notes to Editors

About FP Markets:

  • FP Markets is a Multi-Regulated Forex and CFD Broker with over 19 years of industry experience.
  • The company offers highly competitive interbank Forex spreads starting from 0.0 pips.
  • Traders can choose from leading powerful online trading platforms, including FP Markets’ Mobile App, MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, WebTrader, cTrader, Iress and TradingView.
  • The company’s outstanding 24/7 multilingual customer service has been recognised by Investment Trends and awarded ‘The Highest Overall Client Satisfaction Award’ over five consecutive years.
  • FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Global Forex Value Broker’ for five consecutive years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) at the Global Forex Awards.
  • FP Markets was awarded the ‘Best Forex Broker – Europe‘ and the ‘Best Forex Partners Programme – Asia‘ at the Global Forex Awards 2022 and 2023.
  • FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Trade Execution’, and ‘Most Trusted Broker’ and ‘Best Trade Execution’ at the Ultimate Fintech Awards in 2022 and 2023, respectively.
  • FP Markets was crowned ‘Best CFD Broker – Africa‘ at the 2023 FAME Awards.
  • FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Trade Execution’ and ‘Most Transparent Broker’ at the Ultimate Fintech Awards APAC 2023.
  • FP Markets was awarded the ‘Best Price Execution’ at the Brokersview Awards 2024, Singapore.
  • FP Markets was awarded the ‘Best Trading Experience – Africa‘ at the FAME Awards 2024.
  • FP Markets was awarded ‘Most Transparent Broker’ and ‘Best Trading Conditions’ at the Global Ultimate Fintech Awards 2024.
  • FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Forex Spreads APAC’ and ‘Best Trading Experience APAC’ at the 2024 Finance Magnates Pacific Summit.
  • FP Markets regulatory presence includes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB), and the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya.

For more information on FP Markets’ comprehensive range of products and services, visit



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England and Wales Cricket Board selects Cognizant as Official Digital Technology Transformation Partner to reimagine the recreational cricket experience through technology




Partnership will see Cognizant implement digital products and data capabilities with the goal of enhancing and expanding fan and player engagement

LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Cognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) have announced a partnership which is set to offer recreational cricket fans, players and volunteers an improved digital experience as part of the national cricket governing body’s ongoing digital transformation.

As the Official Digital Technology Transformation Partner and Official IT Consulting Partner, Cognizant will be the key strategic partner for the ECB’s recreational game systems programme – aiming to develop integrated and user-friendly digital products that simplify numerous administrative tasks involved in running recreational cricket, and providing a streamlined and inclusive digital experience that facilitates a more meaningful engagement for all participants with the game. The first phase is due to become operational in 2025.

Cognizant will also support the ECB with wider digital and technology initiatives to continue cricket’s growth in England and Wales. A key part of this will be an annual innovation fund, which the ECB will utilize to test early-stage innovations that could grow the game across aspects such as commercial, fan engagement and infrastructure.

ECB Director of Digital and Data, Alison Crowe, said: “The ECB is delighted to collaborate with Cognizant to advance its digital technology transformation. Cognizant brings a wealth of experience in this space and hugely impressive credentials. It’s a new approach for us to be able to work with a partner in this way and the Digital & Data and Technology teams at the ECB are excited to be working with Cognizant, to help transform the recreational game.”

“Cognizant is proud to advance innovation in grassroots cricket in partnership with the ECB. Together, we aim to serve its community better with personalised digital experiences that can scale with the ECB’s evolving technology landscape and the needs of everyone involved in the great game,” said Rohit Gupta, Managing Director UK&I at Cognizant. “This will mean the ECB can make playing and organising cricket more enjoyable and streamlined, and also unlock new and deeper engagement for cricket communities with their services and commercial offerings.”

About England and Wales Cricket Board

The ECB is the national governing body for cricket in England and Wales, responsible for developing and supporting all levels of the game from recreational cricket to the national teams. The ECB’s strategic goal “Inspiring Generations” is to encourage more young people to form a lifelong relationship with the game so that a new generation of fans will say “cricket is the game for me.”

About Cognizant

Cognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) engineers modern businesses. We help our clients modernize technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they can stay ahead in our fast-changing world. Together, we’re improving everyday life. See how at or @cognizant.


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Centi-Millionaire Boom: America and China Dominate the Super Rich Club




LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — There are currently 29,350 individuals worldwide with liquid investable assets of USD 100 million or more, according to the Centi-Millionaire Report 2024 released today by wealth and investment migration advisors Henley & Partners.

This exclusive club has grown globally by 54% over the last decade, with America and China experiencing a centi-millionaire boom, significantly outperforming their European counterparts.

China’s ascent has been the most dramatic, with its centi-population expanding by 108% over the past 10 years — outpacing even the US, whose super-rich ranks swelled by 81% over the same period. In contrast, Europe’s centi-millionaire growth has been anemic, increasing by only 26% over the past decade.

Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO of Henley & Partners, says the lethargic performance is due to slow growth in major markets such as the UK, Germany, and France. “Pockets of dynamism exist, with smaller European markets such as Monaco, Malta, Montenegro, and Poland seeing their centi-millionaire populations surge by 75% or more. The geography of extreme affluence is shifting. As this elite group continues to grow and migrate, its influence on global economics, politics, and society is likely to be profound and far-reaching.”

America’s dominance hangs in the balance

The report reveals that one-third of the world’s centi-millionaires reside in 50 key cities across the world. The US continues to dominate the centi-city landscape, claiming 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the Top 50 Cities for Centi-Millionaires, and boasting a total of 15 metropolises on the elite list.

New York City reigns supreme with 744 resident centi-millionaires, followed closely by the Bay Area with 675, and Los Angeles with 496 super rich residents.

However, as David Young from the US think tank The Conference Board points out, “existing centi-millionaire growth and migration trends will depend largely on the upcoming US presidential elections where we anticipate drastic differences in fiscal, monetary, economic, and social policies. The results may cause a shift from North America being so attractive, as centis turn to countries that provide greater economic and political security”.

Dr. Steffen adds that wealthy Americans have become the firm’s single largest client cohort, with a five-fold increase in investment migration enquiries this year. “We are witnessing a fascinating paradox. On one hand, the US remains the world’s top wealth hub, accounting for over 30% of global liquid investable wealth — a massive USD 67 trillion. Yet, on the other hand, we’re seeing an unprecedented surge in affluent Americans seeking alternative residence and citizenship options.”

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris recently endorsed the tax increases proposed by President Biden in his fiscal year 2025 budget — including a new idea that would require taxpayers with net wealth above USD 100 million to pay a minimum tax on their unrealized capital gains. However, as Director of Tax Services at Henley & Partners, Peter Ferrigno, warns, “any proposal that deviates too far from accepted international tax principles of only taxing realized income would lead to people looking very carefully at the US as a place to invest in. Taxing an unrealized gain on the way up looks great, but the optics of handing billionaires tax refunds in the following year when those unrealized gains reverse, looks terrible. Handled poorly, this can look like a bailout for the rich when their stock prices fall.” 


Asia’s rising influence as Europe falls behind

Four Asian cities and territories are now among the world’s Top 10 centi-millionaire hotspots. Beijing sits in 5th position worldwide with 347 centis, while Singapore follows closely in 6th place with 336. Shanghai is in 7th place with 322 centi-millionaires and Hong Kong ranks 8th, boasting 320 ultra-wealthy residents.

Both Singapore and Hong Kong are forecast to enjoy exceptionally high centi-millionaire growth rates of over 100% in the next decade and a half (to 2040).

However, London, once considered the financial capital of the world, now ranks just 4th in the Top 50 Cities for Centi-Millionaires with 370 super-rich residents and a lackluster forecast of less than 50% when it comes to centi growth over the next 16 years (to 2040). Finally. Paris claims the10th spot on the latest centi-rich city index with 286 ultra-wealthy residents.

Centi city hotspots to watch

Looking ahead to 2040, several Asian and Middle Eastern cities are poised for explosive growth, with Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Taipei, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi projected to see increases of over 150% in their centi-millionaire communities.

Emerging markets are also set to make their mark. Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and Bengaluru in India are both forecast to enjoy growth of over 150% in their centi-populations over the next 16 years.

Read the full Press Release

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