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Artprice by Artmarket’s 2024 Contemporary Art Market Report, coinciding with Frieze London and Art Basel Paris, thoroughly explores a market that has grown 1,800% since 2000, confirming that art is a safe haven in times of major crises




PARIS, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In this 29th Annual Report, Artprice by Artmarket presents and analyzes a denser-than-ever Contemporary and Ultra-Contemporary Art Market (see methodology at the end of the press release) with the opening of Frieze London this Wednesday, October 9, followed by Art Basel Paris on Friday, October 18, 2024.

Autumn is a busy period for the Contemporary Art Market, which is why Artprice publishes its essential Contemporary Art Market Annual Report in October. Among the key features of the report are of course the overall results from art auctions around the world and the AI data collected and processed by our proprietary AI, Intuitive Artmarket®. It also contains an identification of the main trends, a presentation of the top-selling artists with our famous Top 10, Top 100 and Top 500 rankings, a focus on a selection of hot Contemporary artists, breakdowns of the key art auction stats country by country, by different artistic mediums, and by different art movements, and, a focus on Ultra-Contemporary artists (under 40) highlighted the growing markets for works by women artists, for digital art and for NFTs.

Artprice’s Report on the Contemporary Art Market 2024 is available free of charge in French and English here:

According to thierry Ehrmann, Founder of Artprice and President of the Contemporary Art Market is no longer what it was in 2000. It has undergone profound structural change and has posted turnover growth of +1800% with works by many more Contemporary artists selling at auction (33,072 over the period 2023/24 versus 5,400 artists in 2000), and many more works being sold (132,380 today versus 12,000 in 2000). At the same time, it has expanded geographically, with 61 countries today having active art auction markets versus 39 in 2000. The Internet has of course accelerated the fluidification of ‘remote’ transactions, and today the Contemporary art market has established itself as the most dynamic and profitable segment of the entire 21st century art market.

A infinite field of possibilities for under $5,000

This past year set a new record for the volume of auction transactions involving Contemporary art works: more than 132,000 artworks changed hands. This growth has been driven by several factors including the globalization of demand and the digital online sales. At the heart of this dynamic is the segment of ‘affordable’ works, whose value remained under $5,000. It is here that supply and transactions have grown the fastest, posting a 6% growth in just one year.

In concrete terms, this price bracket accounted for 108,000 transactions (each acquired for under $5,000) representing 82% of the total number Contemporary art sales during the year. This affordable segment, often appealing to first-time buyers and discerning collectors alike, has experienced a remarkable and triply significant acceleration over the last decade.

The success of this market segment has been largely supported by emblematic figures of Contemporary art like Takashi Murakami, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons as well as by world-renowned Street artists like Keith Haring, Banksy, Mr. Brainwash, KAWS, Shepard Fairey and Invader. Their editions, whether limited or produced in larger quantities, fuel this thriving segment.

I. CONTEMPORARY ART (artists born after 1945): Key figures 2023/24

–  $1.89 billion totaled over 12 months (July 1, 2023June 30, 2024)
–  Contemporary art represented 17% of the total global auction turnover from Fine Art and NFTs ($11.3 billion)
–  The 8th best performance in the history of the Contemporary art market
–  Down 18% compared with the previous year ($2.3 billion), due to a further contraction in the number of transactions above the million-dollar threshold 
–  Turnover has multiplied by 18 since 2000/01 ($103 million hammered)

Evolution of the number of Contemporary artworks sold at auction by price range 

Evolution of the number of Contemporary artworks sold at auction by price range

Denser transactions

–  New record of 132,380 lots sold over 12 months (+4%)
–  The number of transactions has multiplied by 10.5 since 2000/01 (12,500 lots sold)
–  Transactions above the million-dollar threshold dropped 23%
–  The unsold rate rose to 35.6%
–  The record price for a Contemporary work this past year was $46.5 million (Basquiat)
–  The average price of the lots sold was $14,300

Structure of the Contemporary Art market

14 Contemporary artworks fetched over $10 million.
224 fetched over $1 million.
57% (75,395 lots) of Contemporary artworks sold for under $1,000.
Paintings accounted for 73% of global Contemporary art auction turnover with sculptures accounting for 10% and drawings for 9%.
Auction turnover from prints (4%) was higher than from photography (3%).

Contemporary artists

33,072 Contemporary artists had at least one auction sale in 2023/24
10 artists accounted for 29% of Contemporary art sales turnover

Soft Power of the Contemporary art market

1st –  the USA with $779 million in Contemporary art auction turnover.
2nd –  China with $511 million.
3rd –  the UK with $279 million.
4th –  France with $63 million.
5th –  Germany with $34 million.
Sotheby’s was the leading global vendor of Contemporary art generating $524 million (28% of total Contemporary art turnover).
Christie’s hammered $486 million (26%) and Phillips hammered $253 million (13%).
China Guardian was the leading Chinese auction operator with $57 million (3%).
Van Ham was the leading European auction operator with $9 million (0.5%)

Top 10 Contemporary artists by auction turnover 
(1is July 2023June 30, 2024)




Sales proceeds

Lots sold

Best result


Jean-Michel BASQUIAT (1960-1988)







Yoshitomo NARA (b. 1959)






George CONDO (b. 1957)







Keith HARING (1958-1990)






Julie MEHRETU (b. 1970)







LIU Ye (b. 1964)







Damien HIRST (b. 1965)






Richard PRINCE (b. 1949)







SALVO (1947-2015)






BANKSY (b. 1974)







II. ULTRA-CONTEMPORARY ART (artists under 40):

$148 million from Ultra-Contemporary Art sold at auction worldwide in 2023/24.
7th best year in the history of the Ultra-Contemporary art market.
In 24 years, sales revenue has multiplied 6.8 times (from $21.9 million in 2000/01).
Ultra-Contemporary art represented 8% of the Contemporary art market ($1.89 billion).
Ultra-Contemporary Art represented 1.3% of the total Fine Art and NFT market ($11.3 billion).
8,830 Ultra-Contemporary works sold in 2023/24.
The unsold rate was 36%, the same as for Contemporary art.

Structure of the Ultra-Contemporary art market

The average price of an Ultra-Contemporary work was $16,800.
Painting represented 85% of the turnover from Ultra-Contemporary art.
Drawing was the 2nd largest medium in this segment: $8.9 million (6%).
NFTs accounted for (4%) and sculpture generated (3%).
Hong Kong hammered 20% of the U-C segment’s turnover, and Mainland China generated 9%.
The UK hammered 19% of the Ultra-Contemporary art market ($28 million),   

Diversity of the Ultra-Contemporary art market

3,122 artists under 40 had at least one auction in 2023/24.
7 women appeared in the Top 10 Ultra-Contemporary artists by auction turnover.
Jadé Fadojutimi (1993) dominated her generation with 22 lots fetching $14 million.
Matthew Wong (1984-2019) generated the highest bid: $4.2 million for Night 1 (2018) at Christie’s New York on November 7, 2023.


NFTs by Ultra-Contemporary artists

Ultra-Contemporary NFTs generated $5.6 million.
NFTs represented 4% of the Ultra-Contemporary art market
The top-selling NFT in 2023/24 was Tony Tafuro’s (1989): OMB Red Eye/Blue Eye/Green Eye/Orange Eye (2024) which fetched $441,000 at Christie’s in New York on April 16, 2023.

Top 10 artists under 40 by auction turnover 
(July 1, 2023June 30, 2024)


Sales proceeds

Lots sold


Best result


Jadé FADOJUTIMI (b. 1993)







Lucy BULL (b. 1990)







Matthew WONG (1984-2019)






Avery SINGER (b. 1987)







Loie HOLLOWELL (b. 1983)






CHEN Fei (b. 1983)







Issy WOOD (b. 1993)







Christina QUARLES (b. 1985)






Ewa JUSZKIEWICZ (b. 1984)







Mohammed SAMI (b. 1984)






Return to pre-Covid levels, under the two billion dollar threshold


With a total of 1.888 billion dollars, the Contemporary art market returned to pre-pandemic levels, but was still above the average of the five years preceding the Covid crisis by $200 million.

In twenty years, the economic value of Contemporary Art has exploded, going from 169 million to 1.888 billion dollars, and the segment has become a key part of the global art  market, now representing 18% of its total value, compared with just 3% at the start of the 21st century.

This remarkable growth has not been limited to the soaring prices of emblematic artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Yoshitomo Nara or Jenny Saville. It has also been driven by a healthy densification of the market, with Contemporary works now representing 18% of the global Fine Art market.

Record volume of transactions

The number of Contemporary works sold at auction has more than doubled in ten years, thanks largely to the massive digitalization of art sales since the Covid crisis. This transformation has significantly expanded the market, with a spectacular +72% increase in transactions compared to the pre-Covid period. This growth has taken the total to a new record of over 132,000 transactions in twelve months. Generations X (44-59 year olds) and Y(24-43 year olds), who are increasingly bidding online via their smartphones, are key drivers of this dynamic.

Art, a safe haven in major crises

In conclusion, unlike the current economy, which has been impacted by the geopolitical and financial context, the art market is displaying relatively robust health, with records being hammered regularly in different countries and for works from all the artistic periods  during recent sales sessions. There have been no cancellations of classic and/or prestige cataloged sales for 2024 and 2025, which are the main indicators of the art market’s health.

The major auction houses and investors know very well that the art market is a safe haven. Uncertainty on the stock markets brings new funds and investments into the art market.

Artprice, for 25 years, has methodically analyzed the main crises of the 21st century facing the Art Market – the Nasdaq crash of 2000,  the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the Afghan war in 2001, the Iraq war in 2003, the subprime and CDS crisis in 2007, the negative rates period starting 2011, the Covid crisis in 2020, the Russia/Ukraine war, the sharp rise in interest rates and energy prices, the attacks of October 7 in Israel in 2023, the Near and Middle East conflict – the art market was significantly less impacted than the economy and financial markets.

The current period of major geopolitical unrest and the fear of a global economic crisis has clearly not got the better of the art market.



This Report analyzes all public auctions of Fine Art (i.e. painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, print, video, installation, tapestry and NFTs, but excluding antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture). It covers the global auction results recorded by Artprice by for works by artists born after 1945 (Contemporary Art), with a focus on artists aged under 40 (Ultra-contemporary Art), between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

All prices indicated in this Report refer to public auction results including buyers’ fees. All “$” symbols refer to the US dollar.

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Copyright 1987-2024 thierry Ehrmann –

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Artmarket and its Artprice department were founded in 1997 by thierry Ehrmann, the company’s CEO. They are controlled by Groupe Serveur (created in 1987). cf. the certified biography from Whos Who In France©:

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and exploitation of historical and current art market information (the original documentary archives, codex manuscripts, annotated books and auction catalogs acquired over the years) in databanks containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 853,000 artists.

Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest art market image bank in the world with no less than 181 million digital images of photographs or engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by our art historians.

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, constantly enriches its databases from 7,200 auction houses and continuously publishes art market trends for the main agencies and press titles in the world in 119 countries and 9 languages. makes available to its 9.3 million members (members log in) the advertisements posted by its Members, who now constitute the first global Standardized Marketplace® for buying and selling artworks at fixed or auction prices (auctions regulated by paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article L321.3 of France’s Commercial Code).

There is now a future for the Art Market with Artprice’s Intuitive Artmarket® AI.


Artmarket, with its Artprice department, has twice been awarded the State label “Innovative Company” by the French Public Investment Bank (BPI), which has supported the company in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the art market.

Artprice by Artmarket publishes its 2024 Contemporary Art Market Report:

See our 2023 Global Art Market Annual Report, published in March 2024 by Artprice by Artmarket:

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whose head office is the famous Museum of Contemporary Art Abode of Chaos dixit The New York Times / La Demeure of Chaos:

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Birla Carbon Announces the Launch of its first Asia Post Treatment Plant in India




The state-of-the-art plant will provide specialty products for the coatings and inks markets from India

MUMBAI, India, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Birla Carbon, one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of high-quality carbon-based solutions, announced the launch of its first Asia Post Treatment (APT) Plant in India. The brownfield initiative is located at the Patalganga unit, in the state of Maharashtra, India. This cutting-edge facility, equipped with the latest treatment technology, is set to revolutionize the carbon black industry by offering the highest levels of flexibility, efficiency, and precision. The plant will serve the fast-growing demand for high-performance carbon black grades in key industries like coatings and inks.



Sharing his thoughts on the launch, Rajeev Sonthalia, Director, Birla Carbon, said, “The launch of the Asia Post-Treatment Plant at Patalganga marks a significant milestone in Birla Carbon’s journey toward creating and deploying cutting-edge technology solutions for our customers. Asia is an emerging market for the carbon black industry and the strategic location of this plant will encourage innovation with our partners.” He further added, “This brownfield facility will enable Birla Carbon to leverage its global reactor capabilities, operating at the highest yields and efficiency. The precision in the manufacturing technology ensures that our products meet the highest standards of quality and performance, catering to the specific needs of our diverse customers, both regionally and globally. And by doing so, we enrich the lives of our consumers and inspire trust with our partners.”

The Asia Post Treatment Plant facility’s advanced technology ensures precise control over reaction times, facilitating the production of ultra-high-performance grades that are tailored to specific customer needs. With its ability to meet stringent clean product standards, the APT facility offers a distinct advantage over traditional products, positioning Birla Carbon as a market leader in delivering sustainable, high-quality solutions.

Sharing his thoughts on this new milestone, John Loudermilk, President and Chief Executive Officer, Birla Carbon, said, “The launch of our Asia Post Treatment Plant reflects our long-term commitment towards the industry and the businesses we serve. This facility enables us to support our customers more effectively while reinforcing Birla Carbon’s position as a thought leader in developing sustainable, high-performance carbon-based solutions for the future.” He further added, “This treatment facility strengthens our commitment to meeting global demand in high-growth sectors and leading the carbon black industry towards greater sustainability and efficiency. By prioritizing innovation and sustainability in every aspect of our operations, we are not just responding to current needs; we are anticipating future demand and setting new standards for quality, reliability, and environmental responsibility. Thus living our purpose to ‘Share the Strength’”. 

In addition to its broader range of applications, including packaging inks and automotive and industrial coatings, the ATP facility is strategically designed to tap into niche markets such as toys and tool coatings, where the demand for low PAH products is rapidly growing.

Located in Patalganga, India, the plant provides key advantages such as proximity to emerging Asian markets. It serves as a key backup to Birla Carbon’s North Bend facility in the USA.

About Birla Carbon


Birla Carbon is one of the leading global suppliers of carbon-based solutions. As one of the flagship businesses of the leading Indian multinational conglomerate, the Aditya Birla Group, Birla Carbon provides innovative, sustainable carbon black solutions that enhance the performance of paints and coatings, inks and toners, plastics, adhesives, sealants, textile fibers, mechanical rubber goods, and tires, Energy Systems, Carbon Nanotubes, and Sustainable Carbonaceous Material. The company operates in 14 countries, boasting 17 manufacturing facilities and three cutting-edge technology centers in Marietta (USA), Taloja (India), and Sambreville, Belgium, showcasing forefront innovation in the industry. Birla Carbon’s Sustainability Strategy – Share the Future report focuses on employee safety, environmental stewardship, efficient use of carbon sources, and operating in a socially and ethically responsible manner.

For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.



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Precisely Celebrates Customer Achievements with Precisely Data Integrity Awards




BMW Group, Chamberlain Group, FERC, Generali Real Estate, and NZ Super Fund Honored at Trust ’24

BURLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Precisely, the global leader in data integrity, today announced the winners of the inaugural Precisely Data Integrity Awards at Trust ’24, the company’s annual Data Integrity Summit. The award ceremony took place at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business in Philadelphia on October 8, with recipients from around the world recognized for their outstanding achievements in AI Impact, Business Impact, and Societal Impact categories, using Precisely software, data, and services.



The Data Integrity Awards recognize Precisely customers who have achieved excellence in data integrity through innovative use cases and demonstrated results. The winners include:

  • BMW Group: World-leading premium manufacturer of cars and motorcycles uses the Precisely Data Integrity Suite to seamlessly connect its extensive mainframe environment to modern cloud technologies and platforms such as Kafka. Achieving outstanding performance and near real-time replication for automating data pipelines to support over 600 applications, BMW is modernizing its mainframe systems while maintaining operational integrity.
  • Chamberlain Group: Global leader in intelligent access uses Precisely Automate solutions to simplify and govern its SAP workflows, querying real-time information for data validation. The company experienced an 87% improvement in time savings, resulting in greater productivity and generating noteworthy benefits for its customer care team.
  • FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission): This independent US agency uses the Precisely Data Integrity Suite to centralize and automate data cataloging and stewardship, replacing their legacy system with modern tools that streamline asset registration and governance processes. FERC has significantly reduced time and resources for maintaining the catalog, while enhancing data stewardship and improving data-driven decision-making across the commission.
  • Generali Real Estate – City Forward: One of the first real estate asset managers to establish a dedicated AI and machine learning innovation division uses high-integrity enrichment data from Precisely to train their models, reduce bias, and deliver more contextually relevant results for its City Forward® platform. This enables the business to make smarter decisions powered by highly accurate AI-driven insights, disrupting the traditional decision-making processes that inform investment strategies.
  • New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZ Super Fund): New Zealand’s sovereign wealth fund is using the Precisely Data Integrity Suite to enable users to find, understand, and access their data. The organization has empowered their investment analysts and teams with trusted data to make more confident business decisions.

“We are incredibly proud to honor these exceptional organizations for the impressive achievements they have accomplished on their journey to data integrity,” said Kevin Ruane, CMO at Precisely. “As our first-ever Data Integrity Awards it was exciting to see the enthusiasm and passion from Precisely customers around the globe. Each company has a unique data story to tell, and it was truly a pleasure to recognize and celebrate with our customers at Trust ’24.”

About Precisely

As a global leader in data integrity, Precisely ensures that your data is accurate, consistent, and contextual. Our portfolio, including the Precisely Data Integrity Suite, helps integrate your data, improve data quality, govern data usage, geocode and analyze location data, and enrich with complementary datasets for confident business decisions. Over 12,000 organizations in more than 100 countries, including 93 of the Fortune 100, trust Precisely software, data, and strategy services to power AI, automation, and analytics initiatives. Learn more at

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Precisely is the global leader in data integrity, providing accuracy, consistency, and context in data for 12,000 customers in more than 100 countries, including 93 of the Fortune 100.


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du partners with Cognizant to elevate digital Telecommunications excellence




The collaboration will integrate Cognizant’s advanced solutions to enhance du’s service quality and customer satisfaction, ushering in a new era of digital innovation in the telco industry.

TEANECK, N.J., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) and du, the leading telecom and digital services provider, today announced a five-year strategic relationship aimed at accelerating du’s digital transformation. The collaboration is focused on enhancing du’s internal capabilities to ensure the company remains at the forefront of the rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape.

du is committed to delivering more agile and efficient services, aligning with the UAE’s ambitious innovation and growth objectives. Cognizant will provide du with comprehensive quality engineering and assurance, release management, automation services, and governance for Business Support Systems, Operational Support Systems, and Enterprise Support Systems, digital, data, and integration areas.  Additionally, Cognizant will support du’s strategic initiatives with enterprise architecture and high-level solution design, aiming to ensure enhanced quality, and reduced time to market. This collaboration with Cognizant will empower du to elevate its service quality and provide tailored digital experiences that meet the diverse needs of its clients.

“By strengthening our internal capabilities through our relationship with Cognizant, we are ensuring that du is well-positioned to meet future demands, drive innovation, and provide world-class services to our clients,” said Fahad Al Hassawi, CEO at du. “This collaboration reflects our commitment to delivering impactful, forward-thinking solutions that improve the lives of the communities we serve.”

“We are proud to collaborate with du as they embark on their digital transformation journey,” added Maged Wassim, Head of Cognizant Middle East. “By leveraging our expertise in quality engineering, we aim to elevate du’s innovative spirit and optimize their operations, empowering them to deliver exceptional client experiences that set new benchmarks in the telecommunications sector across the Middle East.”

About du

du adds life to life with a comprehensive portfolio of mobile, fixed, broadband, entertainment services, and fintech solutions. Through a digital-first approach powered by ultra-reliable fiber and 5G technology, du delivers bespoke solutions leveraging cloud computing, AI-driven analytics, advanced cybersecurity, and IoT integration. As a trusted digital telco enabler spearheading the UAE’s digital transformation, we collaborate with a dynamic partner ecosystem to propel industries and society toward operational excellence, shaping a more connected and digitally advanced future across the region. 

About Cognizant 

Cognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) engineers modern businesses. We help our clients modernize technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they can stay ahead in our fast-changing world. Together, we’re improving everyday life. See how at or @Cognizant.

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