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ExeQution Analytics launches custom trading analytics service



SYDNEY, Sept. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — ExeQution Analytics, the specialist trading analytics company, officially launched this month to fill a gap in the analytics market with rapidly deployed, customised solutions for both buy- and sell-side firms.

CEO Cat Turley said the company was launched to help institutions use data and bespoke analytics to make better trading decisions. “Every firm is unique in their flow and strategies, and off-the-shelf analytics simply can’t explain the underlying drivers of performance,” she said. “Firms are paying so much for data, it’s imperative to capitalise on that investment with effective analytics.”

For buyside firms, this leads to lower implicit costs and improved ability to evaluate brokers and algo wheels. For the sell side, customised analytics help firms better understand and improve trading strategies to deliver better performance to customers. ExeQution Analytics foundation clients include a sovereign wealth fund and a Hong Kong trading bank.

“The volume of data and complexity of trading has grown exponentially in the past ten years, yet innovation in trading analytics has not kept pace,” Turley said. “As trading shifts towards more dynamic, learning-based models, understanding the incremental value of trader decisions, strategy behaviour and model outputs becomes increasingly critical. 80% of trading costs are implicit, and these costs can be dramatically reduced by proper analysis of trading patterns.”

With offices in Sydney and Hong Kong, ExeQution Analytics integrates the ExeQution Analytics Framework with client data and then builds bespoke analytics, visualisations and reports that traders, quants, IT and the C-suite can all use to understand exactly how every aspect of trading is performing, in real time and historically. Head of Strategy Rob Hodgkinson said that understanding proprietary data would become increasingly vital to trading firms as the data universe continues to expand.

“I’ve been working in capital markets since 1979, and what I’ve seen over that time is that companies that invest in their own data capabilities are far likelier to outperform,” he said. “These types of analytics systems are complex and slow to build internally, and resources are constantly in demand to meet day-to-day requirements. Cat and her team can build in weeks what would take an internal team a year or more, and ensure all the teams can use it pragmatically to optimise outcomes and reduce costs.”

For further information and interviews with Cat Turley:

Kristin Westlake           +61 416 219 358        

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