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European Gaming Congress 2024


Insights from Prague Gaming & TECH Summit 2024 Speakers (pre-event)





As we approach the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit, we’ve connected with some of the event’s distinguished speakers to delve into the future of the gaming and tech industries. Their insights shed light on the shifting dynamics, underscoring the significance of adaptability, innovation, and strategic foresight.

We posed the following questions to our speakers:

  • What has been the most surprising or valuable lesson you’ve learned in your career within the gaming/tech sector?
  • Can you share a project or achievement in your career that you’re particularly proud of?
  • In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing the gaming and tech industries today?

Below, you’ll find a brief overview of their responses. For more in-depth insights, scroll down to read each speaker’s full reply.

#### Viktoria Soltesz: Mastering the Financial Game


Viktoria Soltesz, a pivotal figure in the payment solutions space, shared a crucial lesson from her career: the significance of a well-crafted payment plan. Through her work, Soltesz has observed the downfall of companies due to inadequate financial strategies, emphasizing that such pitfalls are easily avoidable with proper planning. Her recent book, “Moving Money – How Banks Think,” aims to demystify banking and payment processes for businesses, advocating for informed financial decision-making within the gaming and tech sectors.

#### Aleksandra Andrishak: The Power of Continuous Learning

Representing Slotsjudge, Editor in Chief Aleksandra Andrishak looks forward to delving into topics like iGaming and blockchain at the summit. Andrishak highlights the transformative work undertaken at Slotsjudge in 2023 and stresses the importance of perpetual learning in the fast-paced gaming industry. Her advice to newcomers is to embrace innovation and remain adaptable to stay ahead.

#### Jakub Tesar: Blockchain’s Expanding Horizon

Jakub Tesar predicts a promising future for blockchain technology, especially within the Ethereum ecosystem, and the rise of Web3. He envisions a world where gamers have greater control over virtual collectibles and in-game items, thanks to blockchain. Tesar anticipates GenAI revolutionizing game interactions and narratives, urging industry professionals to experiment with blockchain’s burgeoning use cases.


#### Kaspar Szymanski: Navigating SEO in the Gaming and Tech World

Kaspar Szymanski, with his rich background in Google Search, identifies the challenge of distinguishing brands in a saturated market. He argues for a focus on unique selling propositions and long-term growth strategies. At the summit, Szymanski aims to dispel SEO myths and offer actionable advice, emphasizing that SEO setbacks can lead to significant growth opportunities.

#### Jasmina Poglavc: Data-Driven Innovation in iGaming

Jazz underscores the impact of advanced data analytics and AI in enhancing the iGaming experience through personalized player engagement. She points out the challenges of data privacy and navigating the regulatory landscape, advocating for a shift towards more player-centric and responsible gaming practices.

These insights from our speakers highlight a common theme: the gaming and tech industries are at a critical juncture, facing challenges that span financial planning, regulatory navigation, and technological innovation. The Prague Gaming & TECH Summit stands as a pivotal platform for addressing these challenges, fostering dialogue, and paving the way for future advancements.


As we anticipate the rich discussions and networking opportunities at the summit, it’s clear that adaptability, continuous learning, and strategic planning are key to navigating the future of gaming and tech. Join us in Prague to explore these themes and more, shaping the trajectory of these dynamic industries.

Viktoria Soltesz – Founder at PSP Angels

What has been the most surprising or valuable lesson in your career within the gaming/tech sector?

In my career within the gaming/tech sector, one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the importance of having a payment plan. While analyzing the financial and banking information of various companies, I noticed a recurring pattern: many companies that failed did so due to poor payment and banking practices. They often miscalculated risks, under-budgeted costs, or neglected to set up a proper payment plan. These errors in financial planning were common culprits behind their downfall. What surprised me the most was how easily these businesses could have avoided such failures with proper payment planning. It became evident that many businesses fail for avoidable reasons, and simply taking the time to understand and establish a payment plan can make a significant difference. By paying close attention to the flow of money and investing just a few hours in crafting a solid plan, a business can set itself on a path to success, outperforming much of its competition.

Can you tell us about a project or achievement in your career that you’re particularly proud of?

One of the achievements I’m particularly proud of in my career is the recent launch of my book, “Moving Money – How Banks Think,” which is now available on Amazon. This book is a valuable resource for businesses, emphasizing the often-overlooked importance of banking and payments in today’s competitive landscape. It provides insights into the intricacies of banking decisions, the history of payment systems, and practical guidance on managing funds more safely and cost-effectively. I’m excited to share this knowledge and help businesses make informed decisions in the realm of payments, especially those that are high-risk or startups.


What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the gaming and tech industries today?

In the gaming and tech industries today, one of the most significant challenges is undoubtedly related to payments. While these industries focus heavily on product development, market competition, and marketing strategies, the crucial aspect of payment planning often gets overlooked. This oversight can lead to businesses incurring unnecessary banking fees and facing unexpected operational risks. Understanding the complexities of banking and payment systems is crucial, yet it remains an area with limited knowledge for many in these sectors. Lack of knowledge in this domain can result in poor financial decision-making. As a payment expert, I have observed that addressing these payment-related challenges is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of businesses in the gaming and tech industries. By gaining a better understanding of how payments work and the reasoning behind banking decisions, these industries can navigate financial challenges more effectively and make informed choices, ultimately ensuring smoother operations and cost savings.

What are you most looking forward to at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit?

I am greatly anticipating the upcoming Prague Gaming & TECH Summit for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, I’m excited about the high-quality content that will be presented during the event. It’s an excellent opportunity to gain valuable insights and knowledge about the gaming and tech industries.

Additionally, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old acquaintances and making new connections. Networking is a fundamental aspect of such gatherings, allowing us to exchange ideas, share experiences, and forge new professional relationships.


Lastly, I’m eager to hear about the latest industry developments and gossip. Staying informed about the current trends and happenings within the gaming and tech sectors is essential for keeping a competitive edge in these dynamic industries.

Overall, the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit promises to be an enriching and engaging experience, offering valuable content, networking opportunities, and industry insights.

Aleksandra Andrishak – Editor in Chief at Slotsjudge

What are you most looking forward to at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit?

The vegan catering! Jokes aside, Hipther events are renowned for their best-in-class networking, and I’m eagerly anticipating the opportunity to delve into topics such as iGaming, eSports, and Blockchain with top experts in the industry. This will mark my second collaboration on stage with Zoltan and the team, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

Can you tell us about a project or achievement in your career that you’re particularly proud of?


I’m honored to represent Slotsjudge at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit 2024. I’m particularly proud of all the work we’ve accomplished with the team in 2023. This year, you can expect even more from us, including new features, a completely revamped website, and even more ways to have fun together with us if you’re a gaming enthusiast!

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in the gaming or tech industry?

Never stop learning. The gaming industry is one of those sectors where innovation occurs almost daily. To stay ahead of the curve, you cannot afford to become complacent. Continuously strive to expand your knowledge and skills. Good luck!

Jakub Tesar – Innovation, Digital & Emerging Tech Lead at EY

What are your top three predictions for the future of gaming and tech industries in the next five years?

  1. The Ethereum ecosystem will evolve into a hub for practical applications, driving large-scale enterprise adoption of blockchain technology.
  2. The growth of Web3 will empower users to have self-custody over virtual collectibles and in-game items, enabling the purchase of ‘phygital’ items that merge the physical and online worlds. This evolution will facilitate free trade on blockchain-powered marketplaces and allow brands to explore new monetization strategies for digital assets.
  3. Generative AI (GenAI) will revolutionize gaming experiences, enabling players to interact with non-player characters (NPCs) in more natural and dynamic ways, and experience storylines that adapt and evolve in real-time.

Can you share a recent innovation in the gaming/tech industry that excites you? What challenges do you think the industry needs to address? The integration of GenAI within gaming environments excites me the most. It offers unprecedented, natural-like interactions with GenAI-based NPCs and allows for fluid, dynamic storylines. However, the industry must navigate the ethical implications of AI, ensuring that these technologies are developed and used responsibly.

What has been the most surprising or valuable lesson in your career within the gaming/tech sector? In my career, the most valuable lesson has been the constant need for innovation and adaptability. The rapid pace at which technology evolves requires a perpetual learning mindset and the willingness to embrace change.


How do you see the role of AI and emerging technologies shaping the gaming and tech industries? AI and emerging technologies are set to fundamentally reshape the gaming and tech industries by introducing more immersive, interactive, and personalized experiences. These technologies will not only enhance gameplay but also offer new avenues for creativity and innovation within the sector.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in the gaming or tech industry? Never stop learning. The gaming industry, in particular, is characterized by its rapid evolution and innovation. Staying informed and continually enhancing your skills is crucial to staying ahead in this competitive field.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the gaming and tech industries today? Addressing the ethical and societal implications of rapid technological advancement, including privacy concerns, data security, and the potential for misuse, remains a significant challenge.

How do you see regulations impacting the gaming and tech industries, and what changes would you like to see? Regulations need to strike a balance between fostering innovation and protecting consumers. I hope to see regulations evolve in a way that supports the ethical development of new technologies while ensuring they are accessible and beneficial to all.

What are you most looking forward to at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit? I’m eagerly anticipating the opportunity to delve into the latest industry trends, connect with fellow professionals, and share insights on the evolving landscape of gaming and technology.


Is there a specific message or insight you hope attendees will take away from your session? I hope attendees recognize the enduring significance of blockchain technologies and are inspired to explore and experiment with their vast potential for innovative use cases.

Kaspar Szymanski – Founder of SearchBrothers

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the gaming and tech industries today?

One of the primary challenges in an industry saturated with numerous market players offering similar web platforms and services is effectively defining and communicating a compelling unique selling proposition (USP). While brand building, prioritizing user experience, and optimizing website performance are essential, they are merely steps towards the ultimate goal of offering a service or product that isn’t readily available elsewhere. Moreover, developing a long-term strategy presents a significant challenge in an industry that tends to favor short-term success. The pressure of organizational and market demands often hinders decision-makers from adopting strategies focused on sustainable, gradual growth. This challenge is particularly evident in search engine optimization (SEO), where the goals of long-term growth and meeting immediate organizational needs must be aligned, as search engine algorithms prioritize actual ranking signals over organizational constraints.

What are you most looking forward to at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit?

I am eager to share the unique insights into Google Search that I gained during my time working for Google, as well as my experiences as a consultant helping clients in competitive niches outperform their competitors. My presentation will include exciting real-life case studies, debunk several myths within the SEO industry, and provide attendees with actionable advice they can immediately apply. I am also looking forward to listening and learning from others, and eagerly anticipate addressing audience questions during the Q&A session following my presentation.


Is there a specific message or insight you hope attendees will take away from your session?

I want my audience to understand that Google penalties are not the end of the world and can be resolved. SEO setbacks, while initially unwelcome, can actually offer an opportunity for significant growth, potentially surpassing any previous rankings on Google Search. These moments can be a hidden blessing, revealing new paths to success. I invite anyone curious about the inner workings of Google Search, how it can benefit your website, and seeking genuine answers to their Google and SEO questions to join my session.

Jasmina Poglavc – Senior Product Manager at Gamanza Group AG & Freelance iGaming Consultant

Can you share a recent innovation in the gaming/tech industry that excites you, and what challenges do you think the industry needs to address?

My background in iGaming platforms and online operations has given me a unique perspective on the transformative potential of advanced data analytics and AI. These technologies promise significant changes, especially in real-time player engagement for iGaming platforms and operators. By analyzing player behavior, preferences, and patterns in real time, we can offer personalized promotions, customized gaming experiences, and targeted loyalty programs. This not only boosts player satisfaction but also optimizes revenue streams.

However, the full realization of these benefits faces challenges, primarily concerning data privacy and security. Protecting sensitive player information is paramount, and navigating the evolving regulatory landscape to align data-driven practices with compliance standards is equally crucial.


What has been the most surprising or valuable lesson in your career within the gaming/tech sector?

Adaptability has been the most valuable lesson in my career. The gaming and tech sectors are incredibly dynamic, with constant evolutions and innovations. Embracing change, remaining agile, and continuously seeking learning opportunities have been essential for navigating challenges and achieving success. Anticipating industry trends and staying informed about technological and regulatory developments are key to staying ahead.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in the gaming or tech industry?

Stay curious and proactive. Embrace challenges as growth opportunities, keep up with industry trends, and cultivate a strong professional network. Innovation drives the gaming and tech industries, so developing a mindset that embraces change and fosters creativity is crucial.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the gaming and tech industries today?


The primary challenges include cybersecurity threats, talent acquisition and retention, and adapting to an evolving regulatory landscape. Balancing innovation with compliance is challenging, as regulations often lag behind technological advancements. A strategic, adaptive approach is essential for navigating these challenges, necessitating proactive engagement with regulators and an awareness of legal frameworks.

How do you see regulations impacting the gaming and tech industries, and what changes would you like to see?

The gaming industry, exemplified by the situation in Germany, faces challenges from overregulation, which can drive players toward unregulated, black-market operators. While regulations are crucial for ensuring fairness and consumer protection, too restrictive an environment can hinder the industry’s growth and inadvertently compromise player safety.

I advocate for regulations that evolve with technological advancements, are harmonized globally, and are developed in collaboration with industry stakeholders. This approach aims to balance consumer protection with innovation, ensuring a thriving, responsible gaming ecosystem.

Click here to register and unlock the door to endless possibilities at the Prague Gaming & TECH Summit. Your next big opportunity awaits!


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How to identify authenticity in crypto influencer channels




Modern brands stake on influencer marketing, with 76% of users making a purchase after seeing a product on social media.The cryptocurrency industry is no exception to this trend. However, promoting crypto products through influencer marketing can be particularly challenging. Crypto influencers pose a significant risk to a brand’s reputation and ROI due to rampant scams. Approximately 80% of channels provide fake statistics, including followers counts and engagement metrics. Additionally, this niche is characterized by high CPMs, which can increase the risk of financial loss for brands.

In this article Nadia Bubennnikova, Head of agency Famesters, will explore the most important things to look for in crypto channels to find the perfect match for influencer marketing collaborations.



There are several levels related to this point.




Analyze approximately 10 of the channel’s latest videos, looking through the comments to ensure they are not purchased from dubious sources. For example, such comments as “Yes sir, great video!”; “Thanks!”; “Love you man!”; “Quality content”, and others most certainly are bot-generated and should be avoided.

Just to compare: 


Don’t rush to conclude that you’ve discovered the perfect crypto channel just because you’ve come across some logical comments that align with the video’s topic. This may seem controversial, but it’s important to dive deeper. When you encounter a channel with logical comments, ensure that they are unique and not duplicated under the description box. Some creators are smarter than just buying comments from the first link that Google shows you when you search “buy YouTube comments”. They generate topics, provide multiple examples, or upload lists of examples, all produced by AI. You can either manually review the comments or use a script to parse all the YouTube comments into an Excel file. Then, add a formula to highlight any duplicates.


It is also a must to check the names of the profiles that leave the comments: most of the bot-generated comments are easy to track: they will all have the usernames made of random symbols and numbers, random first and last name combinations, “Habibi”, etc. No profile pictures on all comments is also a red flag.




Another important factor to consider when assessing comment authenticity is the posting date. If all the comments were posted on the same day, it’s likely that the traffic was purchased.


2. Average views number per video

This is indeed one of the key metrics to consider when selecting an influencer for collaboration, regardless of the product type. What specific factors should we focus on?

First & foremost: the views dynamics on the channel. The most desirable type of YouTube channel in terms of views is one that maintains stable viewership across all of its videos. This stability serves as proof of an active and loyal audience genuinely interested in the creator’s content, unlike channels where views vary significantly from one video to another.

Many unauthentic crypto channels not only buy YouTube comments but also invest in increasing video views to create the impression of stability. So, what exactly should we look at in terms of views? Firstly, calculate the average number of views based on the ten latest videos. Then, compare this figure to the views of the most recent videos posted within the past week. If you notice that these new videos have nearly the same number of views as those posted a month or two ago, it’s a clear red flag. Typically, a YouTube channel experiences lower views on new videos, with the number increasing organically each day as the audience engages with the content. If you see a video posted just three days ago already garnering 30k views, matching the total views of older videos, it’s a sign of fraudulent traffic purchased to create the illusion of view stability.



3. Influencer’s channel statistics

The primary statistics of interest are region and demographic split, and sometimes the device types of the viewers.


When reviewing the shared statistics, the first step is to request a video screencast instead of a simple screenshot. This is because it takes more time to organically edit a video than a screenshot, making it harder to manipulate the statistics. If the creator refuses, step two (if only screenshots are provided) is to download them and check the file’s properties on your computer. Look for details such as whether it was created with Adobe Photoshop or the color profile, typically Adobe RGB, to determine if the screenshot has been edited.


After confirming the authenticity of the stats screenshot, it’s crucial to analyze the data. For instance, if you’re examining a channel conducted in Spanish with all videos filmed in the same language, it would raise concerns to find a significant audience from countries like India or Turkey. This discrepancy, where the audience doesn’t align with regions known for speaking the language, is a red flag.

If we’re considering an English-language crypto channel, it typically suggests an international audience, as English’s global use for quality educational content on niche topics like crypto. However, certain considerations apply. For instance, if an English-speaking channel shows a significant percentage of Polish viewers (15% to 30%) without any mention of the Polish language, it could indicate fake followers and views. However, if the channel’s creator is Polish, occasionally posts videos in Polish alongside English, and receives Polish comments, it’s important not to rush to conclusions.


Example of statistics


Wrapping up

These are the main factors to consider when selecting an influencer to promote your crypto product. Once you’ve launched the campaign, there are also some markers to show which creators did bring the authentic traffic and which used some tools to create the illusion of an active and engaged audience. While this may seem obvious, it’s still worth mentioning. After the video is posted, allow 5-7 days for it to accumulate a basic number of views, then check performance metrics such as views, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), signups, and conversion rate (CR) from clicks to signups.

If you overlooked some red flags when selecting crypto channels for your launch, you might find the following outcomes: channels with high views numbers and high CTRs, demonstrating the real interest of the audience, yet with remarkably low conversion rates. In the worst-case scenario, you might witness thousands of clicks resulting in zero to just a few signups. While this might suggest technical issues in other industries, in crypto campaigns it indicates that the creator engaged in the campaign not only bought fake views and comments but also link clicks. And this happens more often than you may realize.

Summing up, choosing the right crypto creator to promote your product is indeed a tricky job that requires a lot of resources to be put into the search process. 

Author Nadia Bubennikova, Head of agency  at Famesters



Nadia Bubennikova, Head of agency at Famesters

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Central banks and the FinTech sector unite to change global payments space





The BIS, along with seven leading central banks and a cohort of private financial firms, has embarked on an ambitious venture known as Project Agorá.

Named after the Greek word for “marketplace,” this initiative stands at the forefront of exploring the potential of tokenisation to significantly enhance the operational efficiency of the monetary system worldwide.

Central to this pioneering project are the Bank of France (on behalf of the Eurosystem), the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Korea, the Bank of Mexico, the Swiss National Bank, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. These institutions have joined forces under the banner of Project Agorá, in partnership with an extensive assembly of private financial entities convened by the Institute of International Finance (IIF).


At the heart of Project Agorá is the pursuit of integrating tokenised commercial bank deposits with tokenised wholesale central bank money within a unified, public-private programmable financial platform. By harnessing the advanced capabilities of smart contracts and programmability, the project aspires to unlock new transactional possibilities that were previously infeasible or impractical, thereby fostering novel opportunities that could benefit businesses and consumers alike.

The collaborative effort seeks to address and surmount a variety of structural inefficiencies that currently plague cross-border payments. These challenges include disparate legal, regulatory, and technical standards; varying operating hours and time zones; and the heightened complexity associated with conducting financial integrity checks (such as anti-money laundering and customer verification procedures), which are often redundantly executed across multiple stages of a single transaction due to the involvement of several intermediaries.

As a beacon of experimental and exploratory projects, the BIS Innovation Hub is committed to delivering public goods to the global central banking community through initiatives like Project Agorá. In line with this mission, the BIS will soon issue a call for expressions of interest from private financial institutions eager to contribute to this ground-breaking project. The IIF will facilitate the involvement of private sector participants, extending an invitation to regulated financial institutions representing each of the seven aforementioned currencies to partake in this transformative endeavour.

Source: fintech.globa

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TD Bank inks multi-year strategic partnership with Google Cloud





TD Bank has inked a multi-year deal with Google Cloud as it looks to streamline the development and deployment of new products and services.

The deal will see the Canadian banking group integrate the vendor’s cloud services into a wider portion of its technology solutions portfolio, a move which TD expects will enable it “to respond quickly to changing customer expectations by rolling out new features, updates, or entirely new financial products at an accelerated pace”.

This marks an expansion of the already established relationship between TD Bank and Google Cloud after the group previously adopted the vendor’s Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for TD Securities Automated Trading (TDSAT), the Chicago-based subsidiary of its investment banking unit, TD Securities.


TDSAT uses GKE for process automation and quantitative modelling across fixed income markets, resulting in the development of a “data-driven research platform” capable of processing large research workloads in trading.

Dan Bosman, SVP and CIO of TD Securities, claims the infrastructure has so far supported TDSAT with “compute-intensive quantitative analysis” while expanding the subsidiary’s “trading volumes and portfolio size”.

TD’s new partnership with Google Cloud will see the group attempt to replicate the same level of success across its entire portfolio.


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