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Talino, Chemonics invest in startup Higala, the Philippines’ pioneering inclusive instant payment system



LOS ANGELES and MANILA, Philippines, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Talino Venture Studios, an award-winning global venture studio for sustainable innovation, and Chemonics International, a leading sustainable development firm, have launched and seed-funded Higala, the pioneer startup Inclusive Instant Payment System (IIPS) in the Philippines.

As an IIPS, Higala will serve as a financial superhighway that will connect thrift banks, rural banks, and microfinance institutions that are currently excluded from payment networks because of high switching and on-ramp costs.

Despite the presence of 400 rural banks in the Philippines, only a mere 18 are part of InstaPay. This highlights a significant challenge: the lack of interoperability among these banks. As a consequence, the full potential of financial inclusion remains largely untapped, depriving many Filipinos of the benefits that modern banking technologies can offer.

“Higala will help modernize our country’s digital financial infrastructures and enable the participation of financial institutions through our network. Our goal is to make banking more inclusive, especially to the underserved segments of the population that have limited access to traditional banking services,” Higala President and CEO Vice Catudio said.

Higala promotes inclusion by lowering the cost of real-time payments, which helps financial institutions to reasonably price their instant payments. It also aims to provide inclusive financial solutions to the underbanked as well as rapidly enable merchants to accept digital payments.


“Through Higala’s open payment platform and suite of solutions, we will enable new market players to aggressively develop and market innovative payment services to both consumers and merchants,” said Catudio.”This includes integrating solutions such as regulatory technologies like e-KYC and AML-TF monitoring, AI-based risk detection and management, banking microledgers, payment hub that will enable instant fund transfer across participating banks, and a global transaction gateway for remittance,” he adds.

Higala is also building a core instant payment technology that can accommodate financial institutions of all sizes and turn banks into digital banks through white label app services.

Sustainable development
“At Talino, we are committed to the sustainable execution of development that benefits all stakeholders, especially the unbanked,” said Talino CEO Winston Damarillo. “With Talino and Chemonics providing funding for Higala, we bring together the impact of venture investing and global good to expand the benefits of financial inclusion to segments that need them most.”

“We are excited to embark on a new journey with Higala, a testament to our commitment to innovation and financial inclusion in the Philippines and other dynamic markets across the globe. Drawing from three decades of impactful partnerships and success in the economic growth space in the Philippines, Higala embodies our vision for affordable, real-time transactions accessible to all Filipino communities,” said Chemonics President and CEO Jamey Butcher.

The first deployment of Mojaloop in Asia
Higala leverages the open payment platform of Mojaloop Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to boosting financial inclusion through its open-source software called Mojaloop. With Mojaloop’s open payment framework, Higala facilitates seamless connectivity among various financial entities, including banks, institutions, payment gateways, merchants, and the central bank. This approach enhances affordability and accessibility in financial transactions.


“With the pioneering deployment of Mojaloop open source software in Asia through our collaboration with Talino’s Higala, the Mojaloop Foundation reaffirms its commitment to breaking down barriers and empowering communities through financial inclusion. Together, we’re not just revolutionizing payment systems; we’re unlocking opportunities, fostering resilience, and building a future where financial access knows no bounds,” said Mojaloop Foundation Executive Director Paula Hunter.

“We want to ensure that everyone is fully banked by lowering the bar of obtaining bank accounts, lowering the friction cost for digital payments, encouraging merchants to accept them, and empowering all financial institutions to be able to provide it to their constituents, especially rural banks,” said Damarillo.

Backed by BSP and industry leaders
BSP Deputy Governor Mamerto E. Tangonan said, “The BSP supports continued efforts to enhance the efficiency of the national payment system and help modernize the Philippines’ digital payments infrastructure as part of our ongoing efforts to bring more users into the digital payments system.”

Tangonan adds, “Adopting modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and compliance with global standards like ISO 20022 can help payment service providers offer new services, improve customer experience, and make digital transactions more safe and secure.”

Aside from BSP, Higala’s partners and collaborators include the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, Xendit, FinTech Alliance.Ph, and the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines.


“We are committed to inclusivity, affordability, and the innovative approach to transaction management and settlements. Higala provides efficiency and equitability to fully support the nation’s move towards comprehensive financial inclusion,” Catudio said.

About Talino

Talino Venture Studios is an award-winning global venture studio for inclusive fintech. Born in the intersection of Silicon Valley and Southeast Asia, Talino Venture Studios is on a mission to bridge financial inclusion for over 1.7 billion people around the world. It uses the successful venture studio model to build repeatable, scalable, and profitable fintechs that empower underserved, underrepresented groups around the world with financial access and mobility. Talino Ventures Studios (

About Chemonics

Founded in 1975, Chemonics is one of the world’s leading global sustainable development consulting firms. With over 6,000 experts in more than 100 countries, 90% of its staff are working in a community they have long-considered home. Chemonics collaborates with communities across the globe to identify and apply innovative, sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. Where Chemonics works, development works.


About the Mojaloop Foundation

The Mojaloop Foundation’s mission is to increase financial inclusion by empowering organizations creating interoperable payment systems to enable digital financial services for all. To achieve its mission, Mojaloop Foundation operates as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, maintaining its free, open source software, Mojaloop, and community as public goods in the service of financial inclusion. Merchants, banks, providers, government offices and other entities looking to build inclusive payments platforms can use Mojaloop – whole, adapted or as a real-time payments reference model. For more information about the Mojaloop Foundation, visit

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Instant Payments Regulation: Overview for Banks and Corporate Treasurers




The regulation of instant payments is becoming increasingly important as both banks and corporate treasurers seek to leverage faster, more efficient payment solutions. This article provides an overview of instant payments regulation, highlighting the key considerations and implications for banks and corporate treasurers.

What Are Instant Payments?

Instant payments refer to electronic payments that are processed in real-time or near real-time, enabling the transfer of funds between accounts within seconds. These payments can be initiated and completed at any time, providing convenience and efficiency for both individuals and businesses.


Key Characteristics:

  • Speed: Funds are transferred almost instantly, reducing the time taken for payment settlement.
  • Availability: Instant payments can be made 24/7, including weekends and holidays.
  • Irrevocability: Once initiated, instant payments cannot be reversed, ensuring finality of the transaction.

Regulatory Landscape

The regulation of instant payments varies across different jurisdictions, with a focus on ensuring security, efficiency, and interoperability of payment systems.

Key Regulations:

  • EU Regulation on Instant Payments: The EU has implemented specific regulations to promote the adoption of instant payments, ensuring that payment service providers offer these services to customers.
  • PSD2: The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) in the EU includes provisions that support the development and regulation of instant payments.
  • Local Regulations: Various countries have their own regulations and guidelines to govern instant payments, focusing on aspects such as fraud prevention, consumer protection, and technical standards.

Implications for Banks

Banks play a critical role in the provision of instant payments and must navigate the regulatory landscape to ensure compliance and provide seamless services to customers.

Key Considerations for Banks:

  • Compliance: Banks must comply with relevant regulations and guidelines to offer instant payment services. This includes adhering to technical standards and implementing robust security measures.
  • Infrastructure: Investing in the necessary infrastructure to support real-time payment processing and ensure system reliability and availability.
  • Customer Education: Educating customers about the benefits and features of instant payments, as well as any potential risks associated with their use.

Implications for Corporate Treasurers

Corporate treasurers can benefit significantly from the adoption of instant payments, which can enhance cash flow management and improve operational efficiency.

Key Considerations for Corporate Treasurers:

  • Cash Flow Management: Instant payments can improve cash flow management by reducing the time taken for payment settlement and providing real-time visibility into account balances.
  • Operational Efficiency: Faster payment processing can streamline business operations, reducing administrative burdens and improving supplier relationships.
  • Risk Management: Corporate treasurers must be aware of the irrevocability of instant payments and implement appropriate controls to prevent fraudulent transactions.

Benefits of Instant Payments

The adoption of instant payments offers several benefits for both banks and corporate treasurers, driving efficiency and enhancing the customer experience.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenience: Instant payments provide a convenient and efficient way to transfer funds, reducing the reliance on traditional payment methods.
  • Cost Savings: Faster payment processing can reduce the costs associated with payment settlement and reconciliation.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Offering instant payment services can enhance the customer experience, providing greater flexibility and speed in financial transactions.

Challenges and Future Trends

While instant payments offer numerous benefits, there are also challenges that banks and corporate treasurers must address to fully leverage these services.


Key Challenges:

  • Security Risks: Ensuring the security of instant payments is critical, particularly given the speed and irrevocability of transactions.
  • Interoperability: Achieving interoperability between different payment systems and networks is essential for the widespread adoption of instant payments.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations can be challenging.

Future Trends:

  • Increased Adoption: The adoption of instant payments is expected to continue growing, driven by regulatory support and customer demand.
  • Technological Advancements: Advances in technology, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, are likely to further enhance the capabilities and security of instant payments.
  • Global Standardization: Efforts to develop global standards for instant payments will promote interoperability and facilitate cross-border transactions.


The regulation of instant payments is crucial for ensuring the security, efficiency, and interoperability of payment systems. Banks and corporate treasurers must navigate the regulatory landscape and invest in the necessary infrastructure to provide seamless and secure instant payment services. As the adoption of instant payments continues to grow, it offers significant benefits for enhancing cash flow management, operational efficiency, and the overall customer experience.

Source of the news: The Paypers

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Regulators Issue Joint Warning on Bank-Fintech Risks




Regulators have issued a joint warning highlighting the risks associated with partnerships between banks and fintech companies. This warning underscores the need for careful management of these relationships to ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate potential risks.

Overview of the Joint Warning

The joint warning, issued by a coalition of financial regulators, emphasizes the importance of robust risk management practices when banks partner with fintech companies. These partnerships, while beneficial in driving innovation and enhancing customer services, also introduce new risks that must be addressed.


Key Points of the Warning:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Banks must ensure that fintech partners comply with all relevant regulations and standards.
  • Risk Management: Robust risk management frameworks must be in place to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with fintech partnerships.
  • Data Security: Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is paramount, particularly given the increasing prevalence of cyber threats.
  • Operational Resilience: Banks must ensure that fintech partnerships do not compromise their operational resilience and ability to deliver critical services.

Benefits of Bank-Fintech Partnerships

Despite the risks, partnerships between banks and fintech companies offer significant benefits, driving innovation and enhancing the customer experience.

Key Benefits:

  • Innovation: Fintech companies bring innovative technologies and solutions that can enhance banking services and products.
  • Customer Experience: Partnerships with fintechs can improve the customer experience by offering faster, more efficient, and personalized services.
  • Cost Efficiency: Fintech solutions can help banks reduce costs and improve operational efficiency through automation and digitalization.

Risks Associated with Bank-Fintech Partnerships

The joint warning highlights several risks associated with bank-fintech partnerships that must be carefully managed.

Key Risks:

  • Regulatory Risk: Ensuring compliance with complex and evolving regulatory requirements is a significant challenge.
  • Cybersecurity Risk: Fintech partnerships can introduce cybersecurity vulnerabilities, making it essential to implement robust security measures.
  • Operational Risk: The integration of fintech solutions into banking operations can pose operational risks, particularly if not managed effectively.
  • Reputational Risk: Any issues or failures in fintech partnerships can damage the bank’s reputation and customer trust.

Strategies for Managing Risks

To mitigate the risks associated with fintech partnerships, banks must adopt comprehensive risk management strategies and ensure rigorous oversight.

Key Strategies:

  • Due Diligence: Conducting thorough due diligence on fintech partners to assess their regulatory compliance, security practices, and financial stability.
  • Contractual Safeguards: Including robust contractual safeguards in partnership agreements to outline responsibilities, expectations, and compliance requirements.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implementing continuous monitoring and assessment of fintech partnerships to identify and address emerging risks.
  • Collaboration with Regulators:: Engaging with regulators to ensure that partnerships comply with regulatory requirements and to stay informed of any changes in the regulatory landscape.

The Role of Technology

Technology plays a crucial role in managing the risks associated with bank-fintech partnerships, offering tools and solutions that enhance oversight and compliance.

Key Technologies:

  • RegTech Solutions: Regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions can automate compliance processes, ensuring that fintech partnerships adhere to regulatory requirements.
  • Cybersecurity Tools: Advanced cybersecurity tools and solutions can enhance the security of fintech partnerships, protecting against cyber threats.
  • Risk Management Platforms: Integrated risk management platforms can provide real-time visibility into partnership risks and support proactive risk mitigation.


The joint warning issued by regulators highlights the need for careful management of bank-fintech partnerships to ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate potential risks. While these partnerships offer significant benefits, including innovation and enhanced customer experience, they also introduce new risks that must be addressed through robust risk management strategies. By leveraging technology and engaging with regulators, banks can effectively manage these risks and capitalize on the opportunities presented by fintech partnerships.


Source of the news: American Banker

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Nasdaq Profit Beats Estimates as Fintech Sales Soar




Nasdaq Inc. has reported earnings that exceeded analysts’ expectations, driven by a surge in fintech sales. This strong performance underscores the growing importance of fintech solutions in driving financial market innovation and growth.

Overview of Nasdaq’s Financial Performance

Nasdaq’s latest earnings report reveals impressive financial performance, with profits surpassing estimates due to robust growth in its fintech segment.


Key Financial Highlights:

  • Revenue Growth: Nasdaq reported a significant increase in revenue, primarily driven by its fintech sales.
  • Earnings Beat: The company’s earnings per share (EPS) exceeded analysts’ expectations, highlighting its strong financial performance.
  • Fintech Segment: The fintech segment emerged as a key growth driver, contributing significantly to the overall revenue increase.

The Role of Fintech in Nasdaq’s Growth

Nasdaq’s fintech solutions have played a pivotal role in its recent financial success, offering innovative technologies that enhance market operations and customer services.

Key Fintech Solutions:

  • Market Technology: Nasdaq’s market technology solutions provide advanced trading, clearing, and market surveillance capabilities to financial institutions and exchanges.
  • Data and Analytics: The company’s data and analytics solutions offer valuable insights and support informed decision-making for market participants.
  • Corporate Solutions: Nasdaq’s corporate solutions include governance, risk management, and compliance tools that help companies navigate complex regulatory environments.

Factors Driving Fintech Sales Growth

Several factors have contributed to the surge in Nasdaq’s fintech sales, reflecting broader trends in the financial technology sector.

Key Drivers:

  • Digital Transformation: The ongoing digital transformation in the financial industry has increased demand for advanced fintech solutions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Growing regulatory requirements have driven demand for compliance and risk management solutions.
  • Market Volatility: Increased market volatility has highlighted the need for robust trading and market surveillance technologies.

Strategic Initiatives

Nasdaq has undertaken several strategic initiatives to capitalize on the growing demand for fintech solutions and drive long-term growth.

Strategic Focus Areas:

  • Innovation: Continuously investing in innovation to develop cutting-edge fintech solutions that address the evolving needs of the financial industry.
  • Partnerships: Forming strategic partnerships with other technology providers and financial institutions to enhance its product offerings and expand market reach.
  • Global Expansion: Expanding its presence in key markets around the world to capture new growth opportunities and serve a broader client base.

Future Prospects

Nasdaq’s strong financial performance and strategic initiatives position the company for continued growth in the fintech sector. The company plans to leverage its technological capabilities and market expertise to drive further innovation and expand its fintech offerings.

Growth Opportunities:

  • Product Development: Developing new fintech products and features to meet emerging market needs and regulatory requirements.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Exploring potential mergers and acquisitions to enhance its technology portfolio and market position.
  • Customer Engagement: Enhancing customer engagement through personalized solutions and services that address specific client needs.


Nasdaq’s impressive financial performance, driven by a surge in fintech sales, underscores the growing importance of fintech solutions in the financial market. The company’s strategic focus on innovation, partnerships, and global expansion positions it for continued growth and success. As Nasdaq continues to leverage its fintech capabilities, it is well-positioned to drive financial market innovation and deliver value to its clients and shareholders.


Source of the news: Reuters

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