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The 2024 Qatar Economic Forum, Powered by Bloomberg: A Resounding Success in News-driven Global Discourse



DOHA, Qatar, May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The 4th annual Qatar Economic Forum, held May 14 -16 in Doha, concluded on a high note, solidifying its position as a premier platform for navigating the complexities of a rapidly changing global landscape. Powered by Bloomberg and hosted in collaboration with Media City Qatar, the event brought together over 2,700 in-person attendees and boasted a total of 3,592 registrations, including 1,000+ global leaders, CEOs, and 427 government officials from 124 countries.

This year’s edition, held under the theme ‘A World Remade: Navigating the Year of Uncertainty,’ showcased a renewed sense of collaboration and a commitment to addressing the challenges presented by an interconnected world. Globalization and trade, the energy transition, technology and innovation, along with sports and entertainment, and the business and investment outlook, were at the forefront of discussions.

However, fostering collaboration extends beyond the walls of the Forum itself: one of the defining aspects of the event is its unwavering focus on a news-driven approach. The Forum recognizes the media’s critical role in shaping economic, political, and social narratives.  In today’s interconnected world, clear and accurate information is essential for fostering global understanding and cooperation.

The Forum attracted significant media interest, drawing over 160 members of the press from more than 35 media outlets. Over 50 interviews were conducted with key participants, securing prominent coverage across various platforms. The event garnered front-page placement in print publications, featured articles in online media, and prime-time broadcast segments, resulting in hundreds media mentions across 25 countries. This widespread coverage highlights the importance and the impact of the discussions held at the event.

His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Abdulla bin Ali Al Thani, Chairman of Media City Qatar, a key partner of the Forum, emphasized this crucial role.  He highlighted the media’s transformative potential, stressing the need for compelling narratives that not only combat misinformation but also promote understanding across diverse global perspectives.  Through fostering innovation and dialogue, Media City Qatar aims to empower the Gulf’s media industry to become a dynamic force for economic growth and a bridge between cultures. 


The Forum transcended mere rhetoric by witnessing concrete steps toward innovation and collaboration.  The signing of 21 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) stands as a testament to this commitment.  Media City Qatar had two particularly noteworthy partnerships announced at the Forum with Qatar University (QU) and the Qatar Research, Development and Innovation (QRDI) Council.

These notable partnerships are set to pave the way for substantial growth in Qatar’s media sector by enhancing technological capabilities, providing comprehensive training programs, and fostering a conducive environment for innovative media companies. They further underscore Media City Qatar’s commitment to transforming Qatar into a global media hub and creating high-skilled job opportunities in the media industry.


Media City Qatar (MCQ) is an emerging, collaborative global hub for media companies, entrepreneurs, innovators, and creative talent, and a regional leader in the media industry, contributing to Qatar’s economic diversification. It accelerates the evolution of regional media to create a powerful and innovative ecosystem where exceptional ideas and content thrive. Media City Qatar was established to streamline necessary regulations, develop businesses and unlock investment opportunities to support the media ecosystem in Qatar under its regulatory, developmental, and investment mandates.

Media City Qatar aims to foster a nurturing environment and a hub for traditional and digital media, technology, communications, research, and development. From broadcasting to traditional and digital newspapers, from gaming to user-generated content, and enabling AI and advanced technologies. Media City Qatar welcomes media businesses across different media segments of various scales to join.


For more information, visit or follow us on @mediacityqa |#mediacityqatar

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Media City Qatar booth at the 4th Qatar Economic Forum

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EU Banks and Insurers Lag in Green Compliance, PwC Study Finds




A recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has revealed that banks and insurers within the European Union (EU) are significantly lagging behind in meeting green compliance standards. This lag poses substantial risks not only to the institutions themselves but also to the broader goals of sustainable finance and climate change mitigation.

The Findings of the PwC Study

PwC’s comprehensive study examined the extent to which EU banks and insurers have integrated green compliance into their operations. The findings highlight a considerable gap between current practices and the regulatory expectations set forth by the EU.


Key Findings:

  • Slow Integration: Many financial institutions are slow to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their business models.
  • Lack of Clear Strategies: A significant number of banks and insurers lack clear and actionable strategies for achieving green compliance.
  • Insufficient Data Management: Poor data management practices are hampering the ability to track and report on ESG metrics effectively.
  • Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with the EU’s complex and evolving regulatory framework remains a significant challenge for many institutions.

The Importance of Green Compliance

Green compliance is crucial for the financial sector as it aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability. Financial institutions play a pivotal role in this ecosystem by directing capital flows towards sustainable investments and practices.

Benefits of Green Compliance:

  • Risk Mitigation: By adhering to green compliance standards, financial institutions can mitigate environmental risks and avoid potential regulatory penalties.
  • Reputation Management: Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance the reputation and brand value of financial institutions.
  • Market Opportunities: Green compliance opens up new market opportunities, particularly in the growing sector of sustainable finance.

Regulatory Landscape

The EU has been at the forefront of implementing stringent regulations aimed at promoting sustainable finance. Key regulations include the EU Taxonomy, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Key Regulations:

  • EU Taxonomy: Provides a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities.
  • SFDR: Requires financial market participants to disclose how they integrate ESG factors into their investment decisions.
  • CSRD: Mandates enhanced disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies.

Challenges Faced by Financial Institutions

Despite the regulatory push, financial institutions face several challenges in achieving green compliance.

Major Challenges:

  • Complexity of Regulations: The complexity and scope of green compliance regulations can be overwhelming for institutions.
  • Data Management Issues: Effective green compliance requires robust data management systems to track and report ESG metrics.
  • Resource Constraints: Many institutions lack the necessary resources, both in terms of personnel and technology, to implement comprehensive green compliance strategies.
  • Cultural Resistance: There can be cultural resistance within institutions, particularly from stakeholders who may not fully appreciate the importance of green compliance.

Strategies for Improving Green Compliance

To bridge the gap identified by the PwC study, EU banks and insurers must adopt comprehensive and proactive strategies to enhance their green compliance efforts.

Key Strategies:

  • Develop Clear Strategies: Institutions need to develop clear, actionable strategies for integrating ESG criteria into their operations.
  • Invest in Data Management: Investing in advanced data management systems is crucial for effective tracking and reporting of ESG metrics.
  • Enhance Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders to build a culture that values sustainability and green compliance is essential.
  • Leverage Technology: Utilizing technology, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, can streamline compliance processes and improve accuracy.


The PwC study underscores the urgent need for EU banks and insurers to accelerate their green compliance efforts. By adopting clear strategies, investing in data management, and leveraging technology, these institutions can not only meet regulatory expectations but also play a pivotal role in driving sustainable finance and combating climate change.


Source of the news: Fintech Global

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Corlytics Hires New CTO, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Tech Architect




Corlytics, a leading provider of regulatory risk intelligence solutions, has announced the appointment of three key executives: a new Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Data Officer (CDO), and Chief Tech Architect. These strategic hires are set to bolster Corlytics’ capabilities and drive its mission to deliver cutting-edge regulatory risk intelligence.

The New Appointments

Corlytics’ latest appointments include highly experienced professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the company.


Key Appointments:

  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO): The new CTO will oversee the company’s technology strategy, ensuring that Corlytics remains at the forefront of innovation in regulatory risk intelligence.
  • Chief Data Officer (CDO): The CDO will be responsible for managing and leveraging data to enhance Corlytics’ solutions, providing clients with deeper insights into regulatory risks.
  • Chief Tech Architect: The Chief Tech Architect will focus on the technical architecture of Corlytics’ platforms, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security.

Enhancing Regulatory Risk Intelligence

With these strategic hires, Corlytics aims to enhance its regulatory risk intelligence offerings, providing clients with more comprehensive and actionable insights.

Enhanced Capabilities:

  • Advanced Analytics: Leveraging advanced analytics to provide deeper insights into regulatory risks and trends.
  • Data Integration: Improving data integration capabilities to provide a holistic view of regulatory risks across various jurisdictions and sectors.
  • Scalable Solutions: Developing scalable solutions that can grow with clients’ needs, ensuring they remain compliant in an evolving regulatory landscape.

The Importance of Regulatory Risk Intelligence

In today’s complex regulatory environment, effective regulatory risk intelligence is crucial for financial institutions and other regulated entities.

Key Benefits:

  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying and mitigating regulatory risks before they materialize can save organizations from significant financial and reputational damage.
  • Compliance Management: Enhancing compliance management processes to ensure adherence to evolving regulations.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Providing data-driven insights that support strategic decision-making and long-term planning.

Corlytics’ Strategic Vision

The new hires align with Corlytics’ strategic vision of becoming a global leader in regulatory risk intelligence, leveraging technology and data to transform how organizations manage regulatory compliance.

Strategic Goals:

  • Innovation: Continuing to innovate and develop cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of clients.
  • Global Expansion: Expanding Corlytics’ presence in key markets around the world.
  • Client Focus: Maintaining a strong focus on client needs, delivering solutions that provide tangible value and support regulatory compliance efforts.

Future Prospects

With the addition of the new executives, Corlytics is well-positioned to drive future growth and innovation in the regulatory risk intelligence space. The company plans to leverage its enhanced capabilities to expand its market reach and deliver even greater value to clients.

Growth Opportunities:

  • Product Development: Developing new products and features that address emerging regulatory risks and challenges.
  • Partnerships: Forming strategic partnerships with other technology providers and regulatory bodies to enhance Corlytics’ solutions.
  • Market Penetration: Increasing market penetration by targeting new industries and geographic regions.


The appointment of a new CTO, CDO, and Chief Tech Architect marks a significant milestone for Corlytics. These strategic hires will enhance the company’s capabilities, driving innovation and delivering greater value to clients. As Corlytics continues to expand and innovate, it is well-positioned to lead the regulatory risk intelligence market and support organizations in managing their regulatory compliance challenges.


Source of the news: Fintech Futures


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Instant Payments Regulation: Overview for Banks and Corporate Treasurers




The regulation of instant payments is becoming increasingly important as both banks and corporate treasurers seek to leverage faster, more efficient payment solutions. This article provides an overview of instant payments regulation, highlighting the key considerations and implications for banks and corporate treasurers.

What Are Instant Payments?

Instant payments refer to electronic payments that are processed in real-time or near real-time, enabling the transfer of funds between accounts within seconds. These payments can be initiated and completed at any time, providing convenience and efficiency for both individuals and businesses.


Key Characteristics:

  • Speed: Funds are transferred almost instantly, reducing the time taken for payment settlement.
  • Availability: Instant payments can be made 24/7, including weekends and holidays.
  • Irrevocability: Once initiated, instant payments cannot be reversed, ensuring finality of the transaction.

Regulatory Landscape

The regulation of instant payments varies across different jurisdictions, with a focus on ensuring security, efficiency, and interoperability of payment systems.

Key Regulations:

  • EU Regulation on Instant Payments: The EU has implemented specific regulations to promote the adoption of instant payments, ensuring that payment service providers offer these services to customers.
  • PSD2: The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) in the EU includes provisions that support the development and regulation of instant payments.
  • Local Regulations: Various countries have their own regulations and guidelines to govern instant payments, focusing on aspects such as fraud prevention, consumer protection, and technical standards.

Implications for Banks

Banks play a critical role in the provision of instant payments and must navigate the regulatory landscape to ensure compliance and provide seamless services to customers.

Key Considerations for Banks:

  • Compliance: Banks must comply with relevant regulations and guidelines to offer instant payment services. This includes adhering to technical standards and implementing robust security measures.
  • Infrastructure: Investing in the necessary infrastructure to support real-time payment processing and ensure system reliability and availability.
  • Customer Education: Educating customers about the benefits and features of instant payments, as well as any potential risks associated with their use.

Implications for Corporate Treasurers

Corporate treasurers can benefit significantly from the adoption of instant payments, which can enhance cash flow management and improve operational efficiency.

Key Considerations for Corporate Treasurers:

  • Cash Flow Management: Instant payments can improve cash flow management by reducing the time taken for payment settlement and providing real-time visibility into account balances.
  • Operational Efficiency: Faster payment processing can streamline business operations, reducing administrative burdens and improving supplier relationships.
  • Risk Management: Corporate treasurers must be aware of the irrevocability of instant payments and implement appropriate controls to prevent fraudulent transactions.

Benefits of Instant Payments

The adoption of instant payments offers several benefits for both banks and corporate treasurers, driving efficiency and enhancing the customer experience.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenience: Instant payments provide a convenient and efficient way to transfer funds, reducing the reliance on traditional payment methods.
  • Cost Savings: Faster payment processing can reduce the costs associated with payment settlement and reconciliation.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Offering instant payment services can enhance the customer experience, providing greater flexibility and speed in financial transactions.

Challenges and Future Trends

While instant payments offer numerous benefits, there are also challenges that banks and corporate treasurers must address to fully leverage these services.


Key Challenges:

  • Security Risks: Ensuring the security of instant payments is critical, particularly given the speed and irrevocability of transactions.
  • Interoperability: Achieving interoperability between different payment systems and networks is essential for the widespread adoption of instant payments.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations can be challenging.

Future Trends:

  • Increased Adoption: The adoption of instant payments is expected to continue growing, driven by regulatory support and customer demand.
  • Technological Advancements: Advances in technology, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, are likely to further enhance the capabilities and security of instant payments.
  • Global Standardization: Efforts to develop global standards for instant payments will promote interoperability and facilitate cross-border transactions.


The regulation of instant payments is crucial for ensuring the security, efficiency, and interoperability of payment systems. Banks and corporate treasurers must navigate the regulatory landscape and invest in the necessary infrastructure to provide seamless and secure instant payment services. As the adoption of instant payments continues to grow, it offers significant benefits for enhancing cash flow management, operational efficiency, and the overall customer experience.

Source of the news: The Paypers

The post Instant Payments Regulation: Overview for Banks and Corporate Treasurers appeared first on HIPTHER Alerts.

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